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for @daddyoubre07 , enjoy love!

for @daddyoubre07 , enjoy love!

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the interviewers start up the camera giving Eva and Chris the signal to begin.

smiling widely Eva waves as Chris chuckles shaking his head. "wassup y'all i'm Chris brown.."

"..and i'm Eva, Chris girlfriend."

"-and today we're playing 'The Quiz' with GQ." chris smiles goofily earning a giggle from Eva.

"let's see how well he knows me."

"first question.." Eva pauses glaring goofily at chris as he bites his lip to refrain from laughing.

"what color is my toothbrush?" Chris run his finger over his bottom lip before looking over at his girlfriend.

"green.." smiling, Eva nods slipping the index card behind the others moving on the the next question.

"good, what are the two sports i played growing up?" sitting back in his seat chris hands fly up to his head as he runs his finger over his black curls.

"uhh...damn um.."

"track?" he ask unsurely as she nods for him to continue.

"and umm...softball." he says earning a toothy grin from her, she holds her fist out for chris to bump as he gladly takes the gesture.

"that's correct...okay chris." smirking he turns his attention to one of the main cameras wiggling his eyebrows in a cocky manner, Eva rolling her eyes as she pulls out the next card.

"alright, what are my two dogs names?" she asks tapping her acrylics against the small sheet of paper.

"um...Cameron and...scruffy- i don't know.." he trails off beginning to laugh as Eva mouth drops at his attempted answer.

"chris what the fuck...scruffy?" she laughs as he shrugs giggling. Eva turns her head towards the camera shaking her head as the camera men join the laugh.

"okay...moving on."

"ouu, what are the biggest injury on my body?" Eva ask titling her head as Chris face forms into a thinking expression.

"you have a scar on your chest for the heart failure you went through anddd...there's a scare from when you broke your ankle." he cheeses confidently, Eva clapping her hands as he pops his imaginary color.

"oh- and there may be a few bruises on your hips from me putting in work." he smirks as Eva feels her face get hot, kicking Kicking Chris knee as she tucks a piece of hair behind her ear complexity embarrassed by her boyfriends dirty commentary.

"oh my god next long does take me to get ready-"

"too fucking long...nah like deadass two hours."

"not may feel like two hours but..yea." Eva giggles as Chris rolls his eyes.

"and if you don't tell her the hours before, best believe she not goin. that shit blows the hell out of me, i think she looks good as fuck without allat shit on her face." Chris scoffs as Eva cooes standing up to Kiss his cheek.

"how sweet, what's my favorite color?"

"Teal." the bell ringing again as chris score shows up in the corner of the screen, he was doing good so far.

"what nick names do i call you?" Eva giggles as Chris groans.

"there a lot um...reece, bubba, thickstopher, daddy, bhris..and Chrissy oh my god." he rolls his eyes slouching in his seat as everyone laughs.

"that gay ass shit.."

"hater..okay, what's a favorite dish of yours that i always cook you?" and without hesitation Chris cheeses batting his eyelashes at the camera.

"that good ass salmon and rice platter. Eva really throw down in the kitchen, on me i be ready to wife her as on the first bite." he express licking over his lips, his gaze landing on Eva who drops her gaze from his intense stare.

"i think it's just the way she puts it on the at a 40 degree angle with just the right amount of nigga it's- truly exquisite." he sighs earning more laughs.

"alright fatass, where did we first meet and what did i think of you?" Eva asks the last question scrunching her face as she remembers how they met.

"umm...we met at a art show actually. you know with me loving to paint and draw Eva was into that as well and i ran into her there. i couldn't take my eyes off her and she thought i was talking about her to my boy tyga so she kept mean mugging me like a weirdo. i was really just trying to get advice to see if i should approach her. i eventually did and after several we are four years later." he nods as Eva whines going to sit in his lap, Chris chuckles placing several kisses along her cheek.

"aww i love you." Chris rolls his eyes playfully returning the gesture as they face the camera.

you only missed one..i think you did pretty good." she smiles as chris cheers throwing up random gang signs.

"thank y'all for having us, indigo album dropping soon get dat. most importantly..stay classy!"

for Eva, hope you enjoyed love!

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request are being written be patient.🤍

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