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huffing, you smile clasping your hands together.
"what's up bitches. i'm back and ima just cut straight to it cause this is war now. i'm about to do the I'm leaving you prank on this crooked tooth bitch." you sigh smiling devilishly.
"so, he went to go record a lil sum with trey and um..i been distance all fuccin day. snapping on him, pushing him, just bitchin basically. he finally got fed up and told me he'd be back. so it's time to get my revenge..cause ion know why mutha fuccas thought they was finna keep playin with me but- let's get into the video." you mutter scratching the side of your head.
"ima be in the closet packing my shit when he walks in the door, he'll probably be confused as hell...he might even kill me but hey..." you smirk shrugging your shoulders...
walking over to the closet you open your red suitcase beginning to "angrily" stuff clothes in it.
after about five minutes of packing you hear the front door open. "babe i'm home!" he yells making you turn around to give the camera a thumbs up.
"baby where you at?" he asks as you roll your eyes.
"upstairs." you reply dryly trying not to laugh.
he finally walks in the bedroom slipping off his shoes before he sits on the bed. a confused look covering his face as he tilts his head. "whatchu doing?" he asks stupidly. you cut your eyes at him before going back to packing.
"packing." you mutter as he laughs grabbing his water bottle from beside him. he brings the liquid up to his pink lips drinking some before he twist the cap back on.
"i know but why? we going somewhere?" he asks as you purse your lips before you end up ruining the whole prank.
"no. i'm leaving." you voice as his freckled face scrunches in confusion.
"leaving? where you going..you ain't tell me abou-"
"no chris i'm leaving you...i don't wanna do this anymore." you sigh dragging more of your clothes off the racks in your shared closet and into the suitcase.
"woah woah...whatchu mean-what happened?" he asks standing up almost immediately.
ignoring him you shake your head as he steps closer grabbing your arm. "babe wait sto-"
"chris stop bro, let me go." you mutter angrily snatching away from him.
"y/n chill out just talk to me, what i do?" he asks softly as you smile a little, turning your head so he wouldn't see.