The fight.

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*Jorge's POV*

I didn't know what to say.
I'd never thought about it but technically Benji isn't my boyfriend we never made it official. But I went along with it.

Jorge: Yes you could of killed my boyfriend

Jeys dad: faggot.

Jey: what did you say!

Id had enough at this point. I screamed in his face as he had the nerve to reply to me.

Jeys dad: faggot. Do you want me to spell it out.

Jeys dad: F. A. G. G. O. T.!

Jey: stop doing this to me. I know your still hurting because of abuela (grandma) but it wasn't her or your fault. And it wasn't abuelos (grandpas) fault either. Its love. Love is love.

Jeys dad: Jorge I'm sorry. Come here.

He toughes me into a hug and then rages something out of his pocket and shoots it. I hear a scream but I felt nothing. I opened my eyes and I saw a short, skinny blonde haired boy on the floor. I ran over and I saw who I hoped it wasnt. Syd. He was lying there. Blood pumping out of his body. I tried to keep the wounds closed and the doctors saw and pulled him into surgery. I couldnt handle this anymore. everyone I loved was in danger because of me. Because of me! I ran to Benji's room and layed on the chair not making a single sound as he was asleep. I cried out but kept it quiet until I heard the soft voice.

Benji: jey... What's wrong bb.

Jey: s-syd he's in surgery he got shot. By my dad.

Benji: see you shouldnt of gone but we just hope now.

Jey: Benji?

Benji: yeah?

Jey: when me and my dad were arguing he brought up about you saying your my little boyfriend. I didn't stop him I stuck up for you.

Benji: thanks.

Jey: Benji will you be my boyfriend...

Benji: y-yes of course. *I kiss Benji on the cheek*

Suddenly a young girl come in.

Doctor: Jorge Gardi... Is there a Jorge Gardi in here.

Jey: yeah that's me.

Doctor: Syd has been surgically operated on. He has finished the procedure and he is in room 143.

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