I walk downstairs to get a drink from the fridge. When I get to the middle of the stairs, I look down, Sierra is sitting on the bottom step.
I continue to the bottom and sit down next to her. She shifts her body away from me, turning her hip. She blankly stares at the door in front of her.
Please don't get up, Sierra. I need to tell you something. Oh brother, not another one! Shut up, I don't need you talking my ear off... well, talking my.... never mind. Ha! Dumbass!
"Go away." She whispers into her hair.
I shake my head. Her bluish eyes peek through her stands of hair. The blue hues burn straight through the dirty brown locks. Her eyes lock with mine for a moment then return to looking at the frayed hole in her jeans.
Each string tied in a knot with another string, each string laying on either side of the hole. Her thigh barely shines through, slightly covered by about ten strings still attached to her pants. It's just enough to show how slightly edgy she is.
"I'm sorry, you know I need to be there for her." I reply.
I gently pick up one of her curls and run my fingers down each strand of hair. Her curls bounce after I let them go. She looks back for a moment, then twists the lower half of her body away from me.
She turns her head, her wavy dirty blond locks brush against her shoulder, covering her shiny, heavily pierced ear and side profile of her flawless face. I'm assuming she's staring at the bars to the handrail, either that or the door to the backyard just a few feet away. Either way, I'd rather her look at me.
"It's not that, you slept with her while going out with me and you tried to kill yourself when she died." She whispers through her quivering lips, her face still turned. "You have to choose. Her or me?"
I slowly hold her hand in mine, interlocking my fingers with hers. She doesn't place her fingertips on my hand, she leaves her well manicured fingers pin straight instead.
"You. From now on, it will always be you. What happened with Kendall was a mistake, I'm so sorry. We agreed not to intimately see each other again because I really like you." I explain.
Her fingers slightly twitch in my grasp. She turns her head to look at me. Her curls slowly move from her shoulder to fall to her back. Her lipgloss shimmers in the hallway light. The hallway light illuminates each pore on her revealed face, shoulders, and chest.
The sunlight peaking through the window reflects off of the stud on her nose. The light also delicately kisses her adorable button nose, it accentuates her cheekbones, and illuminates her eyes.
"You what?" She asks.
Her well shaped brows furrow, her bluish emerald eyes stare deep into mine, and her heart begins racing in her tan chest.
"I really like you." I reply.
She places her warm palm on my cheek and leans in. Her blush lips brush against mine, I sloppily smudge mine against hers.
"Does this mean you like me back?" I ask, breaking the kiss. She nods and replies,
"Shut up and kiss me before I change my mind."
Thank God she likes me back. She's perfect, she isn't overly dramatic, she doesn't care that I'm a werewolf, she's my soulmate... I just know it.
Slow down, you can't just tell her you like her and decide you two are soulmates! What happened to going on dates and getting to know the person? God I can see it now, she's going to get knocked up two weeks into this relationship.

A Wolf's Tale
WerewolfJacob Greyson, 20, is a gentleman and party guy by day and a supposed "cold blooded killer" by night. Oh, but don't worry, he doesn't kill people! However, in his girlfriend's eyes, he could kill people and that scares the hell out of her. Hey, bein...