I won't bore you with all of the details from the wedding. However, the food was delicious, Kylie looked great in her floor length puffy dress. Kris got drunk half way through the reception and danced on top of the tables.
"I guess I'll go first. I um, I first want to congratulate this beautiful couple, you two have been through so much and nothing has brought you guys down. I can't wait to see what else you guys tackle and as much as we don't get along, Kylie, I am proud to call you family." I explain and raise my glass to the happy couple.
As much as I despise Kylie, she's family now. As long as she's civil, I will be too.
"I've known this beautiful couple for ten years now and I will say that my man didn't have the balls to ask Kylie out so in the middle of Mr. Derulo's boring ass math class, I taught Kyle how to talk to girls. He didn't do it right cause Kylie walked away but after three tries, he got it right. I'm so happy my skills have paid off, I love both of you." Karson explains.
Karson toasts the happy couple. Both Kyle and Kylie smile and raise their champagne flutes. Kendall hesitantly stands up.
She was never one to speak in front of crowds. She could talk your ear off but she was never one to be as comfortable and fluent in front of a crowd. She scans the crowd and settles on me. She quickly looks away and clears her throat, then turns to her sister.
"I won't take too much time but I just want to wish my best friend and sister, Kylie, a long and happy life with Kyle. I know how... I know how hard you guys work to maintain a healthy relationship- no cheating or lying... um anyways, I hope you guys have a happy life together." Kendall expresses.
Sabrina catches on to Kendall's discomfort and pats Kendall's shoulder blade. Kendall slowly sits down and looks up at Sabrina.
"It's funny, I remember the day you guys met like it was yesterday. Kyle almost shit himself and Kylie acted so confident even though this is her first relationship. I never imagined the shit you guys have been through but I'm glad we are all gathered here today celebrating this occasion. What a match made in Heaven!" Sabrina praises.
The night flew by in the blink of an eye. Drunken dancing and joking ensued. The night couldn't have gone by smoother.
A few days pass and Kyle and Kylie have officially went on their week long honeymoon to Bora Bora. In the meantime, we were told to hold down the fort for them. We should be fine, I mean, they're only going to be gone for two weeks, what could possibly go wrong?
"Jake, where are you? I honestly hate..." Kendall groans on the phone. "hate calling you but my water broke and I'm having contractions a few minutes apart."
"I'll be over in five, don't move." I reply before hanging up.
"What's wrong?" Sierra asks.
"Kendall is in labor, I have to go."
"Okay, call me later, I love you."
I race to Kendall's to see her standing at the front door with her bags at her sides.
"Babe, a woman named Ashley is here, she says you killed her husband, do you know anything about this?"
Ashley! Shit, I forgot about Ashley! I need to help them but Kendall needs me. I can't just leave Kendall alone right now. I'm certainly not taking her to Kyle's.
"Baby, shut and lock the door- every single door and window in the house. Ashley is Keith's wife."
A silence falls over the line. Come on, say something, Sierra.
"Brotha, we are headed your way! Kooper slipped getting out of the pool and broke his wrist." Kameron informs me in the background.
I need to be home. I need to help them. There are enough of them to hold her off but I don't know that they can do this by themselves, especially with Kooper hurt. If Kameron and Kooper go to the hospital, that leaves Kris, Karson, Sabrina, Sierra, Megan, and London. Megan won't be able to do much as a human, London and Kris- forget it. Sabrina probably won't be able to make a potion or whatever witchy shit she does. This leaves Karson and Sierra. They need all hands on deck.

A Wolf's Tale
WerewolfJacob Greyson, 20, is a gentleman and party guy by day and a supposed "cold blooded killer" by night. Oh, but don't worry, he doesn't kill people! However, in his girlfriend's eyes, he could kill people and that scares the hell out of her. Hey, bein...