Finally the day is here and is exactly how Kylie wants it. Now let's get this over with so I don't have to deal with the antsy undead bride and her friends.

The cake stands boldly in the center of the lace draped dessert table. The archway Kooper made is awesome, he tediously twisted tree branches and budding vines to form the perfect entrance for our blushing bride and groom to profess their undying love. We've also displayed a shit load of chairs in front of the altar.

Aside from the pack, Kylie invited some of her old friends from high school, some family friends, and mutual friends of the packs. While Kylie and Kyle get ready, the rest of us are in charge of making sure everything is perfect. Undead bride's orders of course.

Kendall is the maid of honor but of course she can't lift heavy objects so we are stuck doing the work. Kenliegh, Sabrina, and London are the bridesmaids, they are constantly up Kylie's ass. Kameron is officiating the wedding since he is the only one already ordained around here- I have no idea why he's even ordained, this is the first couple he's officiating for. I am the best man because who really wants one of the twins to help plan the wedding? That leaves Karson, Kris, and Kooper as the groomsmen.

Let's get this shit show started so I can get drunk!

That's the spirit my friend! Let the shit show commence. Bridezilla is probably making someone cry and her skin is undoubtedly crawling knowing that we will officially be family after today.

"Brotha, this looks dope!" Karson exclaims.

I begin placing flowered garland over the backs of the chairs. Sierra walks up the aisle with a huge grin on her face before playfully nudging my arm.

"I thought you said you weren't going to help."

"I'm the best man, it's part of my job. 'Jake order the tuxes, Jake plan the bachelor party, Jake order the name tags'," I roll my eyes and continue positioning the garland on the chairs before moving on to laying the white carpet down. "and besides, the Undead Bride threatened to rip my fangs out one by one with pliers so I had a change of heart."

Sierra giggles and fixes the remaining garland as I shake the loose wrinkles out of the carpet. Her innocent laugh echoes in my brain, I can't wait for our wedding.

I can't wait to see her walk down the aisle with that gorgeous toothy smile of hers. She's so psyched for our wedding it's adorable. I can't wait to marry her! I can't wait to look up the aisle and watch her walk up to me with that gorgeous glint in her round eyes.

The dress of her dreams hugging her curves, a cake two feet tall, smushing said cake into each other's faces, our first dance in front of our friends... anything to make her happy.

She probably already has it all planned out. The dress, the venue, the floral arrangements, the thank you cards. She probably has a Pinterest account dedicated to our wedding.

"You're here... great." Kendall groans.

"I'm here for Kyle. Did you think I wouldn't come because you were going to be here?" I ask.

"A girl can dream, after our kid is born I won't have to deal with you anymore, I'm counting down the days as we speak."

'I'm counting down the days!' Ugh! Don't hit a woman, don't hit a woman, don't hit a woman... she's barely a woman but I still can't hit her.

"The feeling is mutual, trust me." I stare directly in her cold and undead eyes, only to be greeted with a fanged smirk in return.

I shove my hands in my pockets as the urge to choke the shit out of her grows rapidly. My claws slowly replace my newly trimmed human nails. It's not worth it, Jake. Just keep laying the garland on the chairs and straightening the carpet.

Kooper walks over and pats me on the shoulder. He shakes his head hinting for me to let Kendall's comment go.

"I have to change but in the meantime, you might want to wash your pants before the blood stains the pockets." Kendall pipes as she walks up the aisle and heads towards the house.

Goddamn I hate her! 'You might want to wash your pants pockets'... ugh! Smartass. I can't wait until I don't have to deal with her anymore.

As soon as Kyle says everything is good out here, the rest of us who helped decorate can go inside to change.

I'm not really a wedding kind of guy but for Kyle, I wouldn't miss it for the world. He's done so much for me over the years, I owe it to him. I owe a lot to him.

"Damn, this looks amazing, you can go change now, thanks so much guys!" Kyle exclaims as he walks up the aisle in his tuxedo.

His freshly shaven 'baby face' knocks him back a few years, his newly steamed tux fits perfectly, and his eyes sparkle at the gorgeous venue. If he likes it, I'm sure Kylie will like it.

Sierra and I walk up the aisle with our fingers intertwined. We follow the rest of the pack into the house and separate so we can change.

Once everyone is dressed and ready, the photographer takes photos of both of us as we get ready and as we wait for the wedding to start. He has us pose a few different ways and allows us to continue up the aisle. Sierra and I separate in our lines across from each other.

God I can't wait to marry her one day!

Once everyone is properly placed and ready, Kyle walks up the aisle. A huge grin spreads across his face as he looks at all of us. Kyle genuinely seems happy here, like nothing else matters. Not the bullshit with Keith, not the bullshit he dealt with growing up, just pure bliss.

Kyle looks to the crowd, smiling at his parents. I guess he made up with them, which was probably Kylie's idea considering Kyle isn't the favorite son. A lot of our classmates and Kyle's distant relatives are also in the crowd. There aren't many people from Kylie's family but most of them were killed years ago or despise the idea of inter-species marriage. Werewolves and vampires aren't the best of friends. Hard to imagine, I know.

Soft music starts over the speakers as Kylie is accompanied by Kendall- filling in for their dad, who disowned them years ago. Their dad hates Kyle and I but who can blame him, Keith killed their mom. Something about a huge feud years ago and they hate each other, who knows. The old bat hasn't contacted Kylie and Kendall in years. The girls make their way up the aisle, arms linked and toothy smiles on their faces.

Kyle finally settles to his blushing bride, tears fill his eyes. He's waited years for this moment. The moment they met, everyone knew they would be together forever.

Kendall looks at me blankly and looks down before looking over to Kyle and smiling. The tension is a thick barrier between the two of us. I proposed to her this time last year and she said no because she said we weren't ready. I asked her dad and he spit in my face so on all accounts, it wasn't a good time.

Both Kyle and Kylie stand on either side of Kameron at the alter. They stand hand in hand and sigh in relief. All of the planning and stress is over, everything is perfect for their special day.

"Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today to witness the beautiful ceremony between these two people," Kam starts. "For the record, these two have been in my life for years and I'm proud to call them family. Kyle, do you take Kylie, in sickness and in health, health being the less likely, richer or poorer, as long as you both shall live- which may be a literal eternity to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Kam asks, turning to Kyle.

"I do." Kyle calmly replies. His eyes do not leave his blushing bride.

As they shouldn't be anywhere else, her beauty radiates off of her. All of the stress leading up to this moment melts away. As much of a pain in the ass she can be, I am happy for them.

"Kylie, do you take Kyle, in sickness and in health, richer or poorer, as long as you both shall live to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Kam asks, turning to Kylie.

"I do!" Kylie exclaims and widely grins to Kyle.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

I now pronounce the ceremony is over and now it is time to get drunk! Congratulations to the happy couple!

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