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september 9

at 1:31 am, minho was woken up from his slumber once again.

the only difference this time, though, was that his noisy neighbor wasn't the culprit, this time.

thunder crashed outside, the pouring rain hitting against the window harshly.

why did there have to be a thunderstorm?

minho flinched as the loud sounds from outside continued, each crash of thunder making him cower further and further into his bed, wanting nothing more than to just disappear into his blankets.

he didn't know why thunderstorms made him nervous-- all he knew was that he didn't like them at all.

"jisung...?" minho called out for his neighbor quietly. he assumed that the boy would be awake, but didn't want to disturb him if he was sleeping for once. "jisung?" he called a little louder once he hadn't gotten any response from the boy.

"minho, you're awake?" just hearing jisung's voice made minho feel a little better.

"yeah, the storm woke me up." as if on cue, thunder boomed again, making minho wince and pull his blankets closer to his chest.

"it's pretty loud, isn't it?" jisung laughed. minho wished he could be as carefree as his friend could be on this night.

after a few moments had passed, minho spoke up.

"jisung?" he cringed at how shaky his voice was as he spoke.

"what's wrong?" jisung asked, catching onto minho's worried tone.

"i don't like thunderstorms," he said. "i'm kind of... anxious."

at jisung's silence, minho swallowed thickly and sighed.

"i'm sorry for bothering you..."

"fuck-- shit-- don't be sorry! um, i'm coming over. is your door unlocked?"

minho thought about it briefly, before answering "yes."

"okay, hold on, i'll be right there."

minho hugged his blankets tighter as he waited for jisung to arrive, feeling relieved as he heard the front door open and then close. jisung's quiet footsteps came nearer and nearer to minho's bedroom, before the door gently clicked open. seconds later, minho felt the bed dip behind him and a pair of arms wrap firmly around his waist.


"yep, it's me."

jisung pulled minho close to his chest, resting his face against minho's shoulder blade.

they stayed like that, minho squeezing jisung's elbow with every crash of thunder, and jisung's thumb rubbing minho's side comfortingly.

until minho was finally able to fall asleep once more, a small smile present on his face.

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