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september 21

it was day 5 of minho and jisung making up stupid excuses for the other to come and sleep in their bed with them.

minho had realized that maybe he had felt a little lonely living by himself and missed having someone he could share a room with, like he had at the college dorms. he had jisung to company him, but jisung wasn't always home; he had things to do, of course, and so did minho. unless they had a break day, which was unlikely unless it was a holiday, the only significant amount of time minho and jisung got to spend together was at night after both of their classes had finished. minho decided that it would be stupid not to take advantage of jisung's sleepover requests. he wanted to spend time with him, after all.

jisung seemed to be on minho's mind at every hour of the day. he wasn't exactly complaining about it, but he was worried that he might be catching feelings for the boy. he told himself he wasn't, but still had a sneaking suspicion that he actually was.

it was 1:29am and the pair were in jisung's bed, minho laying his head on jisung's lap while the blonde played with his hair.

"do you want to do something fun?"  jisung asked. minho's eyes flickered up to meet the younger's.

"like what?" he asked in return, sitting up as jisung shuffled underneath him.

"follow me," he beamed, standing up and motioning for minho to come with him.

"do i need to get dressed first?" he was still wearing his pajamas, after all.

"nope," jisung answered. deciding he was taking too long, he grabbed minho by the wrist, pulling him out of the bed and dragging him out of the room.

"where are we going?"

"you ask too many questions," jisung said, leading minho outside of his apartment entirely and into the hallway.

it wasn't too long until the two had reached their destination-- the roof of the apartment building.

"are we even allowed to be up here?!" minho exclaimed, cheeks flushing red at how close jisung was to him as he turned around to face him. the blonde shrugged and tightened his grip on his wrist, pulling him further onto the roof.

"i used to come up here all the time," jisung said, finally releasing the death hold he had on minho. he took a seat near the ledge, pulling his knees in towards his chest. minho sat beside him, looking out at the city before them.

"it's pretty." minho commented, receiving a hum of agreement from jisung. the blonde moved, letting his feet dangle off the side of the building. minho peered over the edge. looking at the ground made him feel dizzy. it was pretty far down. he sneaked a look over at jisung. the boy was looking up at the sky, admiring the stars (which were relatively hard to see because of the city's lights, but were pretty nonetheless).

minho reached over to the boy, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers. jisung turned his head to look at minho, his eyes widened with surprise.

"i'm scared of heights," minho explained.

he wasn't.

jisung nodded and turned away, his cheeks tinting red and his lips curling into a smile.

it was then that minho decided that yes, the view of the busy city at night and the stars in the sky were beautiful, but they weren't as beautiful as jisung.

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