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october 2

it was 11:31pm and minho was in the bedroom of his apartment, laying comfortably under the blankets of his bed.

well, his and jisung's bed, now.

he was absentmindedly scrolling through instagram, chuckling occasionally at the stupid photos that his friends had posted.

minho had moved into jisung's apartment earlier that day and couldn't be happier. they hadn't spent much time together yet, other than minho moving his things into the new apartment, and minho was excited to spend their first night together as official roommates.

the bathroom door creaked open and jisung emerged from the room, his hair dripping from his shower.

"you're on my side of the bed," the blonde said, making minho roll his eyes. he shuffled over to the other side anyway. he set his phone on the bedside table, plugging it in to charge. jisung rolled over to minho, letting his head rest on his chest. the elder swung his arm over jisung's shoulder, holding him close to his body.

"you're gonna get my clothes all wet!" minho exclaimed, smiling as jisung's hand wrapped around his waist.

"you'll get over it," jisung said sassily, not bothering to look up at minho.

"you're so rude," minho scoffed playfully, lightly shoving jisung off of him. "get off of me."

the younger whined as minho turned on his side, facing away from him.

"you'll get over it," minho teased. jisung clinged to him, pulling his back close against his chest. minho intertwined their fingers.

"this feels... surreal." jisung said, squeezing minho's hand tightly.

"i know."

it really did. laying there, jisung's arms wrapped around him, felt like a dream⁠- and minho didn't want to wake up.

"can i tell you something weird?" jisung asked, his voice quiet. minho nodded.

"go for it."

"i like you."

"that's not weird, i like you too."

"no, i like like you."

minho rolled over to face jisung. he could hardly see his face in the darkness, but the red tint to his cheeks was noticeable and it made minho smile.

"really?" he asked. jisung nodded.

"sorry if i just made things awkward, i just wanted to get it off my chest." minho hummed.

"well, if it makes you feel better, i like like you too." the dark-haired boy watched as jisung's eyes lit up immediately, a smile growing on his face.

"i could literally kiss you right now," jisung suddenly pulled minho into a tight hug, pressing his face into minho's neck.

then do it.

they stayed like that for a few seconds before minho decided fuck it.

he gently pushed the blonde away, letting his hands rest on either side of his face. before he could change his mind, he leaned in, pressing his lips to jisung's.

STFU! (The Walls Are Thin) ✔ → MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now