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september 11

"hey minho, it's almost my birthday."

"oh, well, happy early birthday, then. when is it?"

"in three days. i'm turning 19."


minho made a mental note to go out tomorrow morning so he could get something for jisung's birthday. he would've liked to go out right that second, but it was almost nine, meaning he had to get to his class extremely soon. jisung had already come back from his class, and was chatting with minho through the wall as the elder changed into decent clothes and gathered his things together.

once he had gotten everything together and decided that he looked at least somewhat presentable, minho announced to jisung that he would be heading off to class.

which jisung responded with, "alright, do your best! i believe in you!"

which made minho smile.


"jisung, are you awake?" minho called, flopping down on his bed, already having showered and changed into comfortable clothes.

"of course i'm awake, it's only eleven something."

"silly me, what was i thinking." minho smiled. "it's just you were so quiet, i wasn't sure if you were sleeping or not."

"i told you that i'm capable of being quiet, you just didn't believe me." jisung laughed. "i heard you singing in the shower, by the way."

"oh my god," minho felt his cheeks burn at jisung's words, embarrassed that he was heard by his neighbor.

"the walls are thin, remember?"

"of course i remember, i wouldn't be talking to you right now if they weren't." minho grabbed the pillow that he wasn't using and pushed it into his face, wanting to disappear into the fabric.

"you have a really pleasant voice, actually. i almost fell asleep listening, and that's really saying something."

"thank you."

"like, for real."

"thank you."

"what i'm saying is that you should sing again."

"i can't, i'm so embarrassed!" minho said, hugging the pillow close to his chest.

"aw, please? if you don't, i'll... come over and make you!" jisung said mischievously.

"good luck, the door is locked." minho chuckled, smiling as he heard jisung whine in response.

"damn you, minho, for following my advice!" he says jokingly, falling silent after he spoke.

a few seconds passed, and minho groaned.

"what do you want me to sing?" he really couldn't say no to jisung, after all.

"anything you want." jisung answered. minho could picture his smile perfectly. he thought for a moment, then decided on a song called serendipity.

he started singing quietly, still feeling embarrassed, as he wasn't the most confident in his voice.

he sang the song, start to finish, falling silent at the end. 

"jisung?" minho asked, not receiving a response.

for jisung, the boy who never seemed to sleep, had peacefully drifted off listening to minho's voice.

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