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september 24

"four life sentences?! isn't that a little excessive?" minho exclaimed. he and jisung were curled up on minho's couch, watching a murder documentary. jisung shrugged.

"she is a serial killer, after all."

"but what, does she have four lives?"

"you never know." 

they fell quiet again, paying attention to the show once more. after a short while, a commercial break came on.

"jail's no fun, i can tell you that." jisung said, causing minho to quirk an eyebrow at him.

"you've been to jail?" he asked, his mouth dropping open as jisung nodded.

"in monopoly." the blonde beamed at minho brightly as the elder just stared at him.

"everything that comes out of your mouth is stupid," minho scoffed playfully, rolling his eyes fondly at jisung.

"minho." jisung said, a smug look growing on his face.

"yes?" minho tilted his head slightly at the boy, watching as jisung's expression changed to an amused one, covering his mouth with the palm of his hand.


"hey!" minho exclaimed, smacking jisung's arm as he burst into laughter, falling backwards against the arm of the couch. "i'm not stupid," he pouted, crossing his arms and cutely scowling at the floor.

"oh my god, you're so funny." jisung sat up, a smile still present on his face.

"and you're so mean," minho muttered, causing jisung to laugh again. he scooted over closer to the dark-haired boy, resting his hands on minho's face and squishing his cheeks.

"aw, you love me though."

maybe he did.

jisung giggled at how funny/cute minho looked, then quickly turned over, laying across his lap. 

by now, the program had come back on and the pair had averted their attention to the screen, both highly interested in the murder case that was being described.

minho felt his face heat up as he felt jisung take his hand, absentmindedly playing with his fingers as he watched the documentary.

small actions like those made minho's heart weak.

at midnight, the show ended and minho shut off the tv.

"i shouldn't watch murder shows right before bed, i'm creeped out now." he chuckled, only half joking.

"i'll protect you from all the serial killers," jisung said confidently, intertwining their fingers and smiling up at minho.

"that's quite a bold promise," minho said, squeezing his hand tightly. "i assume you're sleeping here tonight?" 

"yup," jisung replied.

"we have sleepovers so often, we might as well just move in together." minho commented, pausing to think about what he had said. 

he didn't have to think for long; hell yeah, he'd love to move in with jisung.

"are you serious?" jisung asked, raising an eyebrow at minho, who shrugged.

"sure, why not? it'd be cheaper for both of us, too."

jisung's face broke out into a smile.

"great, can't wait!" he sat up excitedly, letting his free hand rest on the back of minho's neck as he quickly pressed a kiss to his cheek. before minho could even process anything, jisung had stood up and was already to the door.

"i'm gonna change clothes, i'll be right back!"

the door closed gently. minho could hear jisung humming softly from his apartment.

to put it simply, minho was ecstatic.

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