Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I am so excited to be writing this new story! I've had the idea for a while, but just haven't had the time to put it together yet. This is a spin-off of A Cinderella Story and NOT a fanfiction, but hopefully you all will still enjoy. I will do my best to update regularly, but we all know how that worked out last time so just bare with me. Thanks! Love you all!


*4 years old*

"Good morning, Mere. You have a big day today," a soft voice coos as the room fills with light.

I know exactly what day it is, it's my first day of pre-school and mommy has been getting me ready for this day for as long as I can remember. I jump out of bed and run into my mommy's arms and she picks me up and hugs me tight. "It's my first day of school, ever!" I squeal.

"It sure is! Now let's get you dressed." Mommy puts me down and walks over to my dresser to get my outfit that we picked out for the first day of school. It's a pair of jeans and my favorite pink shirt with a gray sweater. I hold onto mommy's shoulders as I step into my pants and she pulls my strawberry blonde hair back into a ponytail with a little pink bow that matches my shirt.

I love my mommy. She always loves to play with me and dress me up pretty. She plays hide-and-seek and tag with me, and she pushes me in the swings at the new park. Well, it's only new to me because we just moved here to Portland, Oregon last week for daddy's job. My brover Jackson wasn't too happy about moving I don't think. He's almost seven in first grade. He looks just like me, but with brown hair.

Anyways, I skip downstairs for breakfast and hold onto the rail as I go down, making sure I don't fall. Mommy made my favorite, crepes with chocolate and marshmallow filling. There is a small bowl of strawberries by my plate that I eat all up, then rush back upstairs to brush my teeth before I go to my first day of school.

"Jackson, Meredith, let's go" mommy calls from the steps. I make sure to put on my thin silver bracelet mommy got me for my fourth birthday before heading down stairs. My dog Bruno is also waiting for me downstairs and he gives me a big kiss on the cheek after I put on my back pack. He's still taller than me because I am tiny and he is a great dane, a gray one to be exact. I like to ride him like a pony around the house too. He's my best friend.

Mommy buckles me into the car seat and lets Jackson get in on the other side of the car. The whole ride to the school mommy talks to us about being excited and meeting new friends and other things, but I make sure to watch out the window at everything we pass along the way.

Before I know it, we are here and I hold mommy's hand as we walk inside together. Jackson doesn't wait, he just takes off to his class room. Mommy and I walk down a long hallway until we get to Mrs. Murphy's pre-k room at the end.

Mrs. Murphy greets all the children excitedly at the door and I hug mommy's leg cautiously. I'm not the best at meeting new people; I like to play by myself a lot, or with mommy or Jackson, but that's usually it. She tries to get me to go play with the other kids and mommy motions for me to join them.

As I look around the room, there are a lot of kids playing will all sorts of different toys. There is one boy by himself at a table and I think I might go play with him. I give mommy a big hug before I go and she kisses me again, "Have a great day, sweetie and I'll see you in a few hours."

With that, I walk slowly over to the coloring table and sit down across from the boy. He doesn't look up for a minute, so I pull out a coloring book from the stack and a crayon and start to color. He has brown hair, just like my brother and he's wearing a red shirt, but that's all I can see yet.

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