Chapter 14

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Today is finally my 13th birthday! I am officially a teenager! ... but it doesn't feel any different, aside from the fact that I get to... yea nothing is different. But today, Mrs. Todd is taking me on a whole spa/girls day for my birthday.

I actually had a spend the night party with Blake last night because it was a Friday and the day leading into my most important birthday thus far in my life. Ursula could care less about it being my birthday; honestly, I don't think she even knows it's my birthday. Jackson sent a message to my iPod last night wishing me a happy late birthday. Not even he remembered my birthday. Whatever, my best friend was counting down my birthday with me all week. He's the real MVP.

Last night, Mrs. Todd made a nice dinner for me and the whole family was home to celebrate with me. They got my favorite Carvel ice cream cake and sang me happy birthday. Then I opened my gifts. I got a brand new art set from Blake! It's the one I was picking out in the art magazine too! And I only mentioned it a couple of times. I'm really surprised he remembered. I basically squeaked so loud and lunged across the table to give him a super big hug. I got a small black purse with a gold buckle on it from Ruth. It as a really long strap that I can sling over my shoulder and don't have to worry about carrying on my arm. It is a purse, but it's a cute little one that I might actually use. Nicole got me some nail polish in a nifty little bag. I've never been one to be really girly with nails and makeup and such, but maybe that will start to change by me being a teenager now and all.

But the gift that really surprised me what from Mr. and Mrs. Todd. It was a cell phone! I thought it was a joke at first. There was no freaking way they got me a cell phone. I ripped the box open, fully expecting it to be filled with a bunch of newspaper and a note saying "ha ha got cha!" but instead, I pulled out an actual cell phone! It's nothing fancy; just one of those slide phones with the full keyboard, but it is functional. Now I can call and text on my own time. And she said that Ursula won't mind as long as I can keep doing my work. There won't be a problem there. But gosh, I feel so awful accepting a kind of gift like this from my best friend's parents. They continue to insist that it's nothing; it's for my special birthday and they are happy they could do it.

We spent the rest of the night playing board games and card games together as a family and watching a movie. It's times like this when I am so grateful to have the Todds as part of my life, err basically my whole life. They've done everything but adopt me and I am so thankful to have them. It makes me remember why I stayed here. I may not have a biological family, but blood doesn't make family, people make family and the Todds are the best people to make a family with.


"GOOD MORNING! GOOD MORNING! GOOD MORNING! IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY! WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" Blake chants and bounces on the bed repeatedly.

I jolt awake and sit straight up in bed. When I realize nothing dangerous happened, I throw a pillow at Blake's face, groaning, "Yea, it's my birthday, let me sleep."

"Oh come on, birthday princess. Don't you wanna get an early start for your super fun birthday?" he draws out the 'super fun birthday' part really funny and it makes me giggle.

"No, shut up." I groan again, burying my face in the pillow to try to hide my smile.

Blake sighs exasperatedly and lays back down next to me. "Okay, fine. I won't bug you at all." He whispers close to my face.

"Good." I've never been much of a morning person.

There is silence for 10 seconds, then I feel him poking my cheek. "Laaake" I warn.

Now his finger is hovering over my cheek, "I'm not touching you." He sings obnoxiously. He is just like the annoying brother I never had. I grab his hand and twist his wrist with my eyes closed. "Ow ow ow ow ow" he tries pulling his hand back.

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