Chapter 26

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The other night with Connor was hella weird. I still don't really know what happened. Anyways, I need to push it from my mind and focus on this massive show this weekend.

As soon as I walk inside Elite this morning, Paige is waiting for me in the lobby. "Hi, Meredith. Good morning!" she pipes as I approach her.

"Good morning. What can I do for you this morning?" I reposition my bag on my shoulder.

"I'm ready to place my order for the dress." She beams and waves the sketches in her hand. Oh.

"The dress... eight... uhh I thought you were going to call me first." I flip my bangs out of my face. "Give me a few minutes. I still work upstairs today so I have to let them know I'll be a few minutes late. Or can you come by at the end of the day?"

"I can wait." Her smile seems so innocent and excited. It doesn't look like Connor spoke to her yet after our conversation on Wednesday.

"Sure... do you.. wanna come upstairs with me for a minute?" I point to the elevator with my hand that is holding my morning coffee.

"Okay." She nods excitedly. Oh lord, this girl is a handful. Too bright eyed and bushy tailed too early in the morning.

I nod. "Follow me." The whole ride in the elevator, she starts to talk my ear off about the whole process as to how she came up with her decision. I simply nod and smile to pretend I'm paying attention.

She keeps talking as I weave through the crowd of people upstairs on my way to Randy's office. When we are finally standing in front of his office I stop and turn to Paige. "Okay, that's really great. You wait here for a minute. Hold this." I hand her my coffee and one of my bags and disappear inside the office. Good lord she can talk.

"Good morning, beautiful. How are you today?" Randy greets.

"Peachy. Hey, I have a client that needs me to just run her order this morning. Is it okay if I do that before the meeting?"

"Yea, sure. You don't have to ask. You get to make the calls for your other work."

"Yea, okay. Thanks. I'll be back in a few minutes." I swipe my hands on the back of my pants and head out of the office again.

When I open the door, I see Paige in mid drink from my coffee cup. She practically spits it back out when she sees me.

"What is it with you two and taking my coffee?" I say, exasperated.

"I'm so sorry! It smelled really good and I first tried..."

I hold my hand up to cut her off. "Keep it." She lowers her eyes and hands me back my bag.

"Did you do all of those drawings?" Paige asks as we power walk through the floor back to the elevator.

"You went through my bag too?? I was only in his office for 30 seconds!"

"I'm sorry, they're just really good. And I actually had an idea to take the bust line of the one dress you made for another dress, like with the points at the top-" she starts describing new ways to alter the dress she was ready to buy 2 minutes ago.

She is so bubbly and excited about this dress, but it is also in a very annoying manner. When we get to my office down stairs, she doesn't hesitate to make herself at home. When I pull out my sketchpad, she takes it and flips straight to the page I figured she was talking about. "See, I really like the top of this dress. Did the bride already order that one?"

"Uhh, actually that's my dress that I was creating for the winter ball and yes I already placed my order."

"Ooh a ball! When is the ball? Who can go?"

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