Chapter 13

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*12 years old*

I basically slept away the last week of summer because I was really tired and dizzy.  And I missed my first week of 7th grade due to my concussion.  My memory came back slowly but surely and I am so glad I can remember how amazing of a friend Blake is.  I didn’t get in too much trouble for the accident.  I actually got in more trouble with Mrs. Todd because she didn’t know I was sneaking out every time I went to her house.  She thought Ursula was sending me over there.  At first, Ursula was kind of ticked that I figured out a way to cheat her system, then she didn’t care because I was even less of a problem for her if I wasn’t even in the house; now she purposely sends me away so there is no chance of me “screwing up her party.”

Since my accident I have definitely felt mom a lot more.  I don’t know what it is, but I just see her everywhere now.  She was right; she is in the sun, the wind, Blake, and my art.  She never left me; I only lost touch with her for some time.  I still haven’t told Blake about seeing my mom that night.  I don’t want to freak him out too much, but it’s kinda been bugging me that I’m the only one who knows about this.  I haven’t even told Jackson.  I think I might tell Blake today though because mom has been in a lot of my dreams recently.  It’s almost like she visits me at night to keep me company. 

I am dressed in my usual tee shirt, jeans, and converse today for school despite the fact that I always get picked on for not dressing “girly enough.”  Tess is back and meaner than ever.  She was pretty mad when she had to switch classes last year and this year she keeps bringing it up and telling the other kids mean things about me.  I try not to listen to them, but it’s kind of hard when it’s all I ever hear around the school.  They also make fun of me for my art.  They clearly don’t understand me.  I wish they would just stop.  Blake is an amazing friend and he makes me forget all the things they say.

In art today, my teacher Mrs. White, tells me about a contest that I can enter to earn scholarship money already.  It’s only for middle schoolers and I just so happen to be a middle schooler.  I don’t know why she didn’t tell me about the contest last year, but that’s okay.  The theme this year is hope for a change.  I think I might use the picture I drew when mom was still in the hospital, the one with the angels flying and the roses.  

When I show Mrs. White my picture I want to submit to the contest, she looks between me and the picture several times.  “You drew this, Meredith?” she asks in disbelief.

I nod, “When my mom was in the hospital.  I was six.  It can use a little updating and probably some color, but I was definitely hoping for a change that my mom would come home.” I tell her.

Mrs. White looks like she’s about to cry.  “It’s beautiful, Meredith.  Something like I’ve never seen before, and especially from someone so young.  This is so different from the typical approach to this project.  I love it.”

“Thank you. Can you help me make it a little better before I actually submit it?”

She shakes her head, “No, it’s perfect just the way it is.”

“You thin so?” I ask excitedly.

“Absolutely.  And with your write up for it, this is all you need.”

I beam, “Thank you!  Are you sure I don’t need anything else?  I can do a new picture especially for this contest.  Something more that they might be looking for?”

“Not at all.  You may want to make a couple of copies of this first though because I have a feeling they might want to keep a copy of this for themselves.” She smiles at me.

I clutch my picture to my chest, “Thanks!”  I sling my backpack over my shoulder and rush to lunch to meet Blake.  I slide into the seat next to my best friend, “Soooo, guess what??”

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