Chapter 8

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*9 years old*

Since daddy got married to the wonderful step monster, we moved houses.  I no longer live right across the street from my best friend.  We are still in the same neighborhood, but all the way on the other side.  Now it takes almost 10 minutes by car to get there.  But I don’t go by car very often.  Nobody will drive me.  Daddy works a lot more again, and Ursula is only home when dad is home.  We still have our nanny, Kayla, but she doesn’t drop me off at Blake’s very often.

I take Bruno instead.

Bruno is almost seven years old now, and I’ve gotten bigger, but I’m a petite nine year old Kayla says, so I can still ride Bruno.  I pack my backpack with toys and dog treats for Bruno and meet him on the driveway out front.  Then he bends down for me to hop on and we trot to the other side of the neighborhood back to Blake’s house.  

Daddy has a lot more work parties now, so that means more cleaning for me.  Ursula makes me scrub all the bathrooms with a little brush, then I have to clean all the counters in the house; some I have to use a stool for.  And I have to sweep the kitchen with a small brush with a handle and a pan to pick up the dirt.  Every time Ursula and Savanna walk past the kitchen, they drop off something else to be cleaned or make a mess where I just cleaned.

Ursula steps over me and nearly trips, “Watch it, kid” she barks.

“I was here first” I say in a monotone voice.

“What was that?  Were you just being rude to me, you ungrateful little girl?” she sounds highly offended… or just plain rude herself.

“No ma’am, I was just—“

“I don’t want to hear it.  Keep sweeping… and you missed a spot,” she drops the bag of potato chips she was holding upside down on the floor and steps on them with her heel.  “Oops, sorry, love, I didn’t see them there.” Ursula cackles as she walked further into the kitchen.  “Oh and Meredith, dear, don’t forget to unload the dishwasher too.”

“I’m only nine!” I call back to her.

“You’ve got working hands, you can do it.  Use the stool.”

“But why does Savanna never have to help me?” I whine as I brush up the crumbs that she made.

“She has to prep for her pageant next week.  She can’t be getting her new nails dirty.  Now get back to work.” She commands.

I make a mocking face behind her back and stick my tongue out.  Perfect little Savanna never has to do any work.  She can’t get dirty.  Her hair has to be perfect.  Ursula always takes her out to her friend’s house.  She can never do anything wrong.  

But me, I am always in the way.  My job is never done.  I can’t get my nails done.  I always have to work.  I can never do anything right.

My real mommy wouldn’t be making me do all these chores.  She would at least help me.  This is too much for me.  I usually only see Blake at school now; we don’t have many spend the night parties anymore because dad says we’re getting too old for that.  I miss our spend the night parties.  I just miss playing with Blake.  He’s my best friend.

Without realizing it, a tear rolls down my cheek and falls onto the floor in front of me.  I roll from my squatting position to sitting back on my bum and I curl my legs to my chest and bury my face in my knees as I begin to cry.  It’s not fair.  I’m not good enough for anybody.  Daddy doesn’t see me much anymore either.  Jackson is always at his friend’s house so I don’t see him a lot either.  My family fell apart.  I’m all alone.  Unless I go to Blake’s house, they always love me there.  I love being there too.  Mrs. Todd is closer to my real mom.

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