Chapter 22

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My first day at the new firm is tomorrow and Lauren and I are enjoying our day off to go shopping.  I have enjoyed the rest of my time at the diner.  I ran into milkshake man a couple more times, but I didn’t have any more interaction with him.  

Lauren and I go to lunch first and then start our shopping adventure.  We try on almost everything in every store we go into and put on our own fashion show for each other.  Some people recognize us from Elite, but they recognize Lauren more because she’s been here longer.  That’s okay though.  I didn’t know people even made it a deal to recognize models in public; I thought it was only celebrities.      

Halfway through our day, we already have arms full of bags and my feet are getting worn down from my heels.  We pause for a coffee break at one of the kiosks in the middle of the mall.  

“Café vanilla frap” the Starbucks attendant calls.

I reach for the cup at the same time as someone else and we bump hands.  “Sorry!” we both rush at the same time.   

“Hey! I know you!” a boy with perfect features points to me.

“… N-no you don’t.” I pick up my drink and step back from the counter. 

“Yes I do.  You work at that diner in the city.” He smiles the most incredible smile. 

“… I used to… as a summer thing.  But I actually have another job… and I don’t even know your name.”  I step next to Lauren. 

“Connor” he holds his hand out to me.  

“Meredith.” I shake his hand.  We stand there awkwardly for a minute.  “I have to go.” I point my thumb to my friend.  

“Oh, yea.  Right.  Good to see you.  Sorry about almost taking your drink.”

“Yea, no problem.  See ya” I wave with my hand that is holding the coffee and Lauren and I go to sit down at a table.  

“So milkshake guy is a lot hotter than you made him sound.” Lauren nudges me. 

“Shut up.  Shut up, shut up, he’s still right there.” I whisper yell to her and try not to make any obvious facial expressions.  Lauren smirks at me over her cup and I take a sip of mine too.      

When Connor is out of earshot, Lauren tries talking about him again but there isn’t anything to tell.  I saw him a couple of times at the diner and once in the grocery store.  I didn’t even know his name until today.  Yes, he’s beautiful but I don’t know anything about him. 

We continue on our shopping day and don’t run into anyone else we now thankfully.  We buy a few more things and call it a day.  I am kind of tired already and I have a big day tomorrow.  

We have to eat our spinach with vegetables and nuts like we are supposed to for dinner and I don’t mind.  I’ve gotten quite used to it actually.  I just watch TV in the evening despite the fact that Lauren begged me to go out with her tonight.  I’m just not in the mood.  By the time she comes home, I’m already asleep.

Morning comes too soon and the alarm blares in the room.  Lauren is much more of a heavy sleeper than I am, so I shoot up in bed and groan as I turn off the alarm.  I fall back down on the bed and lay there for a minute before I start trying to wake up Lauren.  

“Laurennn.” I groan and nudge her tiredly.  “Time to get up.”  She doesn’t budge, so I hit her again.  “Lauren.”

She rolls over in the bed and buries her face in the pillow.  “Come on.  We have to get ready.”  I crawl out of bed and shuffle to the bedroom door.  I fix my usual cup of coffee in the morning before I start to put myself together for the day.  

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