Chapter 20

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*Blake's Graduation day*

We did it! I don't really know how or where the time went, but this weekend, Blake graduates from the University of Washington. I graduate next weekend. This is all too much for me.

I know my mom would be so proud of me. I can still feel her with me every day, just like she said. I haven't stopped wearing the rose necklace Blake gave me for my birthday all those years ago. It has become a part of me and I feel naked and vulnerable without it. I really wish my mom was here to share this time with me. I know she would love it.

I have flown out to Washington for Blake's graduation weekend and I am so excited for him. I am helping Blake get ready for the day. I try to tie his tie while his buckles his belt.

I've never been the best at tying ties and his fidgeting isn't really helping. "Stop moving before I choke you with this on accident." I try to peek under the knot.

He makes fake gagging noises and I slap his shoulder. "Jerk."

"I'm just kidding" he giggles. "I got this, babe." He swats my hands away and turns to the mirror to finish the job. He slides his robe over his shoulder and zips it up. I get his hat and straighten it out before placing it on his head and trying to fix the tassel.

"No, it goes on the other side." He tries to move the dangling gold strands.

"No, it goes on this side. It goes on the right before you graduate, then you switch it." I explain and move it back.

"Exactly why it's needs to go on this side." Blake moves the tassel again. I turn around so I am facing the same way as him and hold out my hands to do the old fashion right hand/left hand test. When I see that he is right, I don't say anything, I just huff and turn back around. "Mmhm. How 'bout them apples?" he smirks and pulls me into a hug.

"Shut up." I mumble and hit his chest.

"Don't tell me what to do" he mocks me playfully.

I just smile and hug him again. "I'm so proud of you, Lake." I peck a kiss on his cheek.

"I'm proud of me too." He beams.

I scoff and step away from the hug.

"I'm kidding! Gosh, Mere, did you leave your sense of humor in L.A.?"

I poke my tongue out at him and walk over to the mirror to fluff out my hair again.

"You look great. Come on we have to go." Blake tells me as he starts to walk out of the room.

"Right now?"

"Yes" he says impatiently. "It's later than I thought. I was supposed to be there ten minutes ago."

"Well shoot, Blake" I snatch my clutch from the top of his bed and quickly check to make sure I have everything with me. We walk hand in hand until we get to the great lawn where the ceremony will be held. "Okay, I'll see you after. Have fun!" I let him go and I go find my seat with his parents and sisters.

As soon as Mrs. Todd sees me, she jumps out of her chair and runs over to hug me. "Meredith! Oh my God, you're so gorgeous! How are you?? It's been ages!" She literally looks like she's about to cry. Since I moved four years ago, I've seen her a total of four times.

"It's been a year, but I'm well thanks." I giggle. She squeezes me so tight, I think I might burst.

"Oh my gosh, look at you!" she holds me at arms length away. "You have grown into such an amazing young lady... well you always were amazing... you're just more amazing now... and ... oh my gosh, I'm not even speaking straight, I'm just so happy to see you!" she hugs me again.

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