Chapter 4

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Today is my 6th birthday! And it's close to Blake's birthday too, so we are having a combined birthday party. Mommy suggested we invite the whole class and I think it'll be so much fun. We are having it in Blake's backyard because he has a big swing set and we're gonna have face painters and a balloon animal maker. I am so excited!

I am wearing my favorite pink dress with a white sash and white flower and my hair is pulled up into a pony tail with a matching pink bow. Mommy and I head across the street to Blake's house and his mom opens the door.

"Hello, Meredith! Happy birthday, sweetheart" Mrs. Todd greets me and gives me a big hug.

"Thank you, Mrs. Todd. Where's Blake?"

"He's in the back. Why don't you go on in."

"Thank you!" I start to dart into the house, then quickly turn around to get his present from mommy.

"Don't you wanna wait until the party starts, Mere?"

"No! I wanna give it to him now so he can play with it during the party" I tug the big blue birthday bag out of mommy's hand and struggle to hold it above the floor as I pad towards the back door.

"Oh, Lake!" I call in a sing song voice as I drag the bag down the steps.

"Mere! You came!"

"It's my birthday too ya silly" I giggle as he tackles me in a giant bear hug. When he finally lets go, I shove the birthday bag in his direction. "Here, open it."

"Wait, let me get yours too." He starts to dart inside. "Mom-- thanks" she must've known what he was going to do because she was waiting at the top of the steps with a pink and white sparkly bag that matches my dress. It's tied at the top in the nicest bow, just like the one in my hair.

"Hey, which one's Meredith?" I giggle and hold the bag next to me.

"Oh no! I think it's that one" Lake jokes, pointing to the bag.

"Hi, Meredith, it's nice to meet you" I fake a formal accent and hold my hand out to shake the bag. We laugh so hard that our tummies hurt. Then we finally plop down on the grass and open our presents.

My gift is the new Birthday Barbie that I've been bugging him that I wanted for the past month now. "The brand new Birthday Barbie?! How'd you know?" I laugh and hug the narrow plastic box to my chest in a big hug.

"Lucky guess" Lake smiles, then opens his gift. "Woah! It's a new army action figure cos Bruno ate my last one! And it even has the little gun! Thanks, Mere!" We both get up to hug each other and then go to show our parents our new gifts.

We take them out of their boxes eagerly and start playing around the back yard until the other kids start to come.

The birthday was super fun! We played lots of game and ate cake and opened presents. Blake got a bunch of new action figures and even a brand new Lego set! I got some book, clothes, and a mini spa kit. I'm not sure how much I'm gonna use that last one, but we'll see. Mommy usually only paints my nails ever once in a while and I'd much rather play in the dirt anyways.

A lot of the kids played on the swing set, but me, Blake, and some of the other boys played soccer for a bit. Everyone else kept stealing the ball from me though, so I started to trip them when they would come by. It's not very nice, I know, but I was starting to get frustrated. I even tackled one of the boys from my class a couple of times.

Then I finally gave up on that game and went to go play with my new Barbie doll with the other girls.

We laughed and played so much that before we knew it, the kids' parents started showing up. Mommy called us inside to say good bye to our guests, and we stood at the door and waved excitedly as each guest left.

After everybody left, Blake and I still got to play, but we go back to my house to play. Bruno greets us at the door with lots of slobbery wet kisses and we climb onto his back and continue to play for a while.

Later, we settle down in the den to watch a movie and we lay down on the floor, using Bruno as our pillow. He doesn't mind; he's a very nice dog. We cocoon ourselves in blankets and cuddle to watch Finding Nemo again. Finding Nemo is definitely our movie.

I had the best birthday today with Blake and all of my friends. I can't wait for next year when we can do it all again!

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