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dear Nozomi,

how have you been? i've been okay. we reviewed the game footage yesterday and today is the finals between Inashiro and Ichidaisan.

i dont know who i want to win. i dont even know if i want to watch the game.

but i do know that i want to get the ace number in 3 months. that's been my goal since my first day at Seidou. and for the first time, i feel like i have a fighting chance to get it.

i feel like i have a chance to finally step out of Furuya's shadow for good and get the ace number.

wish me luck! also! please stay beautiful!

s. eijun

wow y'all are lucky. im updating sorta on schedule :)

how is the book so far? y'all enjoying it so far? comment what you think is gonna happen if youd want to do that :)

signed, s. eijunWhere stories live. Discover now