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Nozomi wasn't completely sure she knew where she was going, but she was trying her best.

she had been looking for a way to get to the small viewing bleachers by the baseball field, behind the fence. and by the time she finally was able to sit down, the game had started. what was with her and being late for Eijun's games? she would need to leave earlier so she wasn't late. especially when the tournament finally rolled around. she wouldn't dare be late for those.

when she had sat down, the team Seidou was playing got their third out and the second inning began. so they switched onto the defense. this is what she came to see.

Eijun ran onto the field and Nozomi was practically on the edge of her seat. she watched expectantly as he pitched.

now, Nozomi was no expert in pitch calling, but Eijun had tried to explain it to her before. he was trying to get better at it, and she figured she should try and understand something her best friend was excited about.

speaking of her best friend, he cleanly closed the inning at three consecutive strikeouts. his pitching has improved so much since his first year. Nozomi doesn't know someone who is more deserving of the ace number- based off of who has improved more. she knows that Furuya is a splendid pitcher, and so is Kawakami-senpai. also Toujo hasn't given up on being a pitcher and she couldn't forget Asada and any other pitcher she is unaware of. but Eijun has come so far and Nozomi is so proud of him. as anyone around him should be. 

the game went by in a flash, and soon enough Nozomi was making her way to one part of the team as another set up for the next game. this time, no one was surprised to see her around. it had sorta become a habit- for the boys to constantly look around after a game to see if Nozomi was there. a lot of the boys enjoyed having a pretty girl around, and all of them enjoyed chatting with her. everyone on Team A, which was the team Eijun was on, had talked to Nozomi at one point or another. she had made sure of it- even if it was just as simple as the few sentences that come with the question "how are you?"

but every single time she showed up, Eijun grinned so wide Miyuki snorted and Haruichi wondered if his cheeks hurt or not.

"Nura! how are you!" Eijun asked her brightly, wiping sweat away from his forehead. "did you enjoy the game?"

"i sure did, Sa'amura! you and Kawakami-senpai pitched really well today," she told him, sending Kawakami a quick smile over Eijuns shoulder.

"but i was the star of the game, right?" he pressed, and Nozomi giggled.

"yes. yes you were." even when Nozomi was around, no body pulled their punches. so that's why she didn't flinch when Kuramochi gave Eijun a swift kick.

"don't say you were the star of the game! you struck out twice and guess who had to defend behind you when you were pitching!" Kuramochi yelled.

"fine! i guess Haruichi deserves to be recognized for his fine plays today!"

despite his kind words, they obviously weren't the ones Kuramochi was looking for. now Haruichi joined Nozomi in looking at Eijun and Kuramochi wrestle.

"bet you fifty yen Eijun will have to tap out," Haruichi whispered to Nozomi, who just laughed loudly.

"oh, Haruichi. do you often place bets on stuff like this?" she asked him, and Kuramochi effectively put Eijun in a choke hold, telling him loudly to either tap out or pass out.

"only sometimes. no one wants to bet with me anymore because i always win. i've seen them fight so much i pretty much know what will happen." the two laughed quietly, and true to Haruichi's words, Eijun tapped out quickly, stumbling over to Nozomi. he practically fell into her arms, which he was now clutching firmly, as he looked back at Kuramochi. his upperclassmen looked pleased with the outcome of this little skirmish.

Nozomi looked at Eijun fondly, and she absentmindedly rubbed his forearm softly as he gripped hers, looking shaken up.

"Nozomi! tell Kuramochi-senpai to quit being rude towards me!" he exclaimed. Nozomi smiled softly. she didn't miss how he used her first name, and how he used it to casually made her insides squeeze and it made her smile wider.

"Eijun, i'm sure he was just playing around. he wouldn't actually hold you until you passed out." she looked over at Kuramochi who pretty much crumbled under her pointed gaze.

"yeah Sawamura! Kuramochi was just playing around!" Miyuki butted in, obviously in a fit of giggles. but he coughed awkwardly into his hand when his eyes caught Nozomi's. "now, how about we get to watching the next game!" he suggested.

Eijun finally straightened up and was smiling again. "yeah! Nozomi, watch the next game with us!" he exclaimed, looking at her hopefully.

"of course Eijun. lets go." she gestured towards the field. Eijun grinned and grabbed her wrist, practically dragging her towards the fence so they could see the field better.

Nozomi let him drag her away, smile never leaving her mouth.

the team watched them go, all of them with their own smile. Miyuki and Kuramochi had wicked, smug smiles as if they knew this was going to happen all along. Haruichi smiled softly and Furuya mainly watched them go, but he had a thoughtful look on his face.

yeah, the team approved of her for Eijun.


this is out later than i would have liked but i didnt have internet where i was! i was at my cousins wedding and they didnt have wifi or else i would have tried to finish and publish this last night.

but regardless, i am happy with this! i had fun writing it so i hope you enjoyed reading it.

if youd like you can comment what you like about the book! im sorry i ask this quite a bit but i love reading your guys' feedback and responding to your comments!

anyhow, ill see you guys soon! goodbye!

signed, s. eijunWhere stories live. Discover now