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dear Nozomi,

today our schedule is packed full! we have practice games to play and win. maybe you'll come and watch! i know i will be starting the first game!

also! can you believe Furuya injured his back! the lower part of his shoulder blade started hurting one evening when he was pitching to Ono-senpai so he's been on a different training regimen. but! that doesn't mean i'm stopping!

of course i hope he heals fully and gets better soon, but i'm not going to slow down! i'm going to keep improving with everything i've got!

s. eijun

honestly guys.. there are so many comments on this book its insane. 300+ man. wild AND wack

but thank you for commenting on it at all! i really enjoy reading them and responding to them!!!

signed, s. eijunWhere stories live. Discover now