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Eijun didn't hear from Nozomi for almost the entire day. she texted him good morning like she always does, but he didn't hear anything else from her for a while.

did she not know it was his birthday? he was sure he had told her before. why hadn't she come to see him? was she busy?

it was after dinner, and Eijun was shuffling back to his dorm with Kuramochi. Asada was still eating in the cafeteria.

Kuramochi could tell Eijun was down, but he just grinned as said boy opened the door to the dorm and flipped the switch on.

"happy birthday!" Nozomi yelled. she was smiling brightly, a party hat on her head and a plate of cupcakes in her hands.

"Nozomi!" Eijun yelled back. "i thought you'd forgotten!"

"sorry Eijun. i wanted it to be a surprise, and i was busy today. guess what?" she asked.


"i got my braces off today! so i was busy with that, then i had to pick up your gift from the post office and i had to make cupcakes. but it was all worth it." she grinned widely, showing off her now braces-free teeth. "now! make a wish and blow out the candles before the wax melts too much!"

Eijun grinned and took a deep breath, held it with his eyes closed, before blowing out the candles swiftly. he opened his eyes and they locked with Nozomi's.

her eyes held so much warmth and kindness and happiness, Eijun fell in love all over again.

Nozomi put down the plate of cupcakes and whipped out a small box, holding it out to Eijun.

he took it, ripping it open enthusiastically. he picked up what was inside, and it shined in the light from above them.

"a bracelet?" he asked skeptically. he inspected it further and saw what was engraved on it. "'to infinity'?" he looked up at Nozomi, who held up her wrist.

a bracelet identical to his was on her wrist, glimmering brightly.

"mine says 'and beyond'. i thought they were cute so i got us matching bracelets. if you don't like them i can return them and get you something different. i wasn't sure if you'd like jewelry or not-" Eijun cut off her rambling.

"i love it, Nozomi!" he exclaimed. he slipped it onto his wrist, looking extremely pleased. he looked up at Nozomi once again and immediately tackled her into a hug.

she was surprised, but wrapped her arms around him, squeezing tightly. she absentmindedly moved her thumbs along his shoulder blade softly, in a comforting way. this felt right, in a way Nozomi hasn't felt before.

"i really love it, Nozomi," he mumbled into her neck, where he had rested his face. "i'll wear it all the time! it's like a lucky charm! it's perfect!"

"i'm glad you like it, Eijun. i was worried you wouldn't." she took a deep breath before breaking the hug, smiling brightly. "now, how 'bout a cupcake?"

Eijun perked up even more. Kuramochi came around to stand beside him, smiling softly.

"happy birthday, Eijun," Nozomi said as she handed him a cupcake. "and happy early birthday Kuramochi. i hope the two of you have great days."

the door opened behind the boys and Nozomi smiled to Asada as he came in the door.

"sorry i'm late," he said quietly, looking down at the ground nervously.

"it's no problem, Asada," Nozomi said softly.

"Asada! look what Nozomi got me for my birthday! isn't it perfect?" Eijun shoved his wrist in his kouhai's face, and Asada had to move his wrist away a bit so he could see properly.

"it's very nice, Sawamura-senpai. i take it you like it?" Asada said.

"of course! it's from Nozomi! how could i not?" he exclaimed. Asada smiled gently, shaking his head fondly.

"here you are, Asada. have a cupcake," Nozomi held out a cupcake to her underclassmen.

"oh, i'll have to pass right now. i'm still stuffed from dinner," he said apologetically.

"that's fine. Eijun, Kuramochi, you guys make sure you save at least one cupcake for Asada, got it? i gave you guys twelve so he better get one." she turned to Asada, smiling brightly. "if you don't get a cupcake let me know. i'll make some more and give them a stern talking to."

"oh, it's no trouble, Nura-senpai. i don't mind if i don't get one." she just shook her head. 

"if they each eat six cupcakes within two days- which is when they should be gone- they really do need a talking to. each of you get four, but if you don't want that many that's okay. but it's only polite if you get one, right?" she cocked her head to the side, and Eijun swooned from the sidelines.

"right," Asada agreed, smiling.

"now, who's up for some video games?" Nozomi asked loudly. that grabbed Kuramochi's attention easily. "i challenge all of you to a race in Mario Kart!" she announced.

"you're on!" Eijun and Kuramochi yelled in unison.

Nozomi beckoned Asada forward. "come on. let's kick their ass's."


i just love how well she gets along with Kuramochi and Asada. and of course how she gets along with Eijun. thats a given.

how did y'all like this one? i loved writing it. it was really fun :)

see you soon!!

signed, s. eijunWhere stories live. Discover now