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dear Nozomi,

today was really mundane! not a lot happened, it just rained a lot. i dont know if you like the rain or not, but im not a big fan. it makes everything seem gloomy.

this letter is gonna be short because not a lot happened today, so i hope you don't mind. more practice games are coming up, which is always good.

i will see you soon! stay beautiful!!

s. eijun

wow im hitting you with a super late shitty chapter. but if you look on the bright side, im about to update my oneshot book for the first time in 2 weeks. it was a pain in the ass to edit tho and its old but whatever.

the manga really gave me nothing to work off of unless i did a big ass timeskip smh the AUDACITY

peace out :)

signed, s. eijunWhere stories live. Discover now