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with chan's plump lips pressed against hers and his hands slowly snaking their way down her back, areum felt almost euphoric, chan's digits sending electric shocks through her body.

she hadn't been with a boy for two years, ever since her ex had cheated on her, all boys turned out to be at least somewhat like him. she told herself that she was over him, but now, thinking about how he toyed with her heart and took her for granted, a wave of hatred washed over her.

the others were cheering them on, yes, but they turned into her ex and their cheers turned into his voice replaying in areum's head.
"you'll never get over me."
this was all it took for areum to lean into the kiss, for her fingers to get tangled in chan's hair and for her body to get closer to his.

a bit overwhelmed with the sudden response and confidence coming from the girl, chan pulled back, earning boo's from the crowd.
"are you sure about this?"
she cocked her head and took his face into her hands, pulling it down gently.

"sure about what, chan? that we're supposed to be making out for one minute but only 20 seconds passed, or that we obviously don't think of the same thing when we think of making out?"

her eyes weren't wavering like they used to when they were together and chan thought he might as well become a part of the universe in her eyes. without waiting for a response, she crashed her lips into his again and this time chan gladly took the opportunity to let loose.

"okay, okay, time's up."
woojin yelled out, almost as uncomfortable as miyun, who sat stiff and flustered next to him.
his remark didn't catch their attention, even when he tried again, no avail.

it appeared as if woojin and miyun were the only ones who cared, as the rest of the group simply continued the game, as if two people eating each other's faces in front of everyone was the most ordinary thing to happen.

"yedam, truth or dare?"
seongmi loudly remarked, seemingly the most drunk of the bunch. yedam, not wanting to end up with the same fate as areum and chan, wisely chose truth, causing slight protest from the boys, especially jisung, who had downed one too many shots with the "2000's gang".

"who do you think is cuter, woojin or jisung?"
seongmi questioned, turning to jisung, who was too busy trying to fill another glass, without spilling the whole bottle of rum in the process. woojin crossed his arms, not really content with this comparison.

"jisung is cuter."
yedam didn't even think twice before answering, woojin was more handsome than cute and seeing jisung like this, drunk and somewhat lost, was just cute in her opinion.

"what?! i'm the cutest here, how dare you!"
woojin jumped from his seat and ran towards yedam, almost losing balance a few times, before he crouched down in front of her and poked his cheeks. yedam thought he looked foolish instead of cute, but she didn't bring herself to blurt that out, even with the buzz of the alcohol.

"so, you think jisung is cuter than woojin, but is he cuter than me?"
felix looked at yedam with huge eyes and a pout, but in yedam's opinion he looked like the puss in boots and jisung was just... jisung.

"yep. he's the cutest here."
only now jisung's head shot up, a drunk blush decorating his face along with a brazen smile.
"i wanna be sexy, though."
the group fell silent for a while, before breaking into huge laughter.

"never in a million years, sungie. sorry."
yedam followed up, before joining the groups laughter with her window wiping laugh, causing jisung to finally laugh along as well.
"who's next? miyun, i pick you."
seongmi now pointed at the girl who had been silent this whole get together.

even now it took her a while to respond, so seongmi simply took it upon herself to answer for her friend.
"dare? did i hear that correctly? you're doing a dare, right?"
air caught in miyun's throat, as she shook her head vigorously.
"no! i choose truth, don't even try something stupid again, seongmi."

seongmi shrugged, her mind suddenly went blank and no matter how hard she tried to brainstorm, only dares came to her mind.
"i honestly can't think of any truths, anyone wanna help out?"

"miyun, who hurt you?"
yedam noticed the bitter expression on miyun's face and just asked out of curiosity, it wasn't that deep, in her opinion at least. but to miyun it was that deep, if not deeper. they knew what she went through and they knew how much she hated truth or dare.

"do you really wanna know?"
miyun raised her voice. she didn't care if she was making a scene, the alcohol in her system getting the best of her.
"miyun, calm down."
woojin put his arm around her shoulder and noticed how much she was shaking.

"it's okay, i'm calm."
she looked him right in the eye and grabbed the last bottle of beer, downing half of it in one go. woojin's dark hair, his dangling earrings reflecting the warm light of the fire and his sharp jawline made her wanna die. how is it fair that people look this good, while she looked like a sack of potatoes?
"you're hot."

he could almost see the color disappear from her face after she said that, while his jaw had dropped. the fire seemed to burn him alive, cheeks turning crimson.
she didn't know where to look, chugged the other half of her beverage and replied, voice shaking.

"hyunjin, give it back!"
danbi's loud exclamation distracted woojin from miyun's slip-up and her heart rate normalized again.

hyunjin held danbi's phone high, earphones dangling over her head. they had been quarreling for hours on end now, about who had the better music taste and whose guilty pleasure songs were more embarrassing.

"only if you admit that wolf is worse than catallena! every intellectual knows it, hell, it's even written in the bible."
danbi was about to grab seungmin's acoustic guitar, that was resting against her seat, when hyunjin started laughing and gave her the phone back.

"did you just call me stupid? you're stupid. stupid talented."
she complimented, turning the boy into a stuttering, blushing mess. now it was danbi's turn to laugh, the sight of a flustered hyunjin was just to die for.

"wanna thumb wrestle it out? if i win, you'll blast wolf and dance along to it."
hyunjin shrugged and nodded.
"what if i win?"
danbi smirked and got ready to fight for her honor.
"not gonna happen."

they both kneeled down, interlocked hands, staring each other down.
"do something to intimidate her!"
seconds after they had kneeled, the whole group gathered around their makeshift arena and started chanting.

jisung yelled the loudest, almost busting yedam's eardrums. she turned to him and put her index finger onto his lips, trying to shush him, but he just pecked her finger instead and took her hand into his right after.

hyunjin puckered his lips and sent a kiss danbi's way, the group responding with a concert of gagging sounds and yells.
"don't let him just get away with this bullshit, do something danbi."

now yedam was the one screaming, making jisung shush her, resulting in her sticking out her tongue teasingly.
"you may be cute and all, but you don't know what i used to do with my fingers. you're done for babes."
a wink was shot hyunjin's way, shaking his heart to its core.

screams erupted in the group, the boys especially enjoying the flirty rivalry between the two.
"she was a handball coach y'all! don't think anything dirty."
seongmi interrupted and got out her phone to film the battle.

"is this the trailer for world war 3?"
felix asked, resting his chin on seongmi's head, spying on her phone. the girl shook her head and locked her phone again, turning around.
"okay, first off, don't look at my phone. secondly, your chin is pointy and it hurts my poor wittle head. and lastly, you smell good."

felix choked on his drink and almost spat it out, as he watched seongmi unlocking her phone again, giggling.
"you do too...."
he mumbled, before turning his attention back to the fight in progress.

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