Ch. 1

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Written by EnoracesBabyGirl

Todorokis POV

6:02 AM


I wake up to my alarm going off making me let out a groan. I feel around for the button to turn it off and roll out of bed. Today was the day we were supposed to move into the dorm rooms and meet our roomates. I really didnt want to have a roomate. I did things i didnt want other people to know about. But it was school policy that we had to live on campus cause of on going villain attacks that upped the risk of us getting hurt. I just hope im put with someone who is never home or just doesnt care what i do. That would be the best situation for me. I sigh heavily as i get dressed in my uniform and pick up whatever i had packed to go to the dorms with me and go put it in my car. I get everything ready and start to head to the school.


Bakugous POV

6:25 AM


I wake up as my alarm goes off. I pick it up and throw it against the wall quickly breaking it. Oops. I get up and get dressed then grab whatever i packed. I go downstairs and put it in my moms car before i go back inside. I quickly make some eggs and bacon to eat as my parents come downstairs. As i finish my food and they eat theirs we go to the car and drive to the school. We were getting dorms and roomates and i am not happy. I dont want to share a dorm with anyone. People annoy me way to quickly and i dont care for them much. 


At the dorms

Todorokis POV

7:03 AM


I get to the school and i go in to be met with Aizawa. I wave at him as i walk over. 

"Ah Todoroki youre early" Aizawa says as he grabs a keycard for me

"Yes well my father thought it best for me to be here early. I suppose you will not be telling the roomates?" I say as i take the keycard.

"Ah you know me well Todoroki. No i will not. You will have to find out on your own" Aizawa says. I nod before i go out to my car and get everything i need then take it to my dorm. This will be a very long day indeed.


At the dorms

Bakugous POV

7:26 AM


We finally get to the dorms aftet what feels like a whole damn life time of driving. I sigh as i get my stuff out of the car and set it on the ground. 

"Y'all can go you don't have to waste time helping me" I tell my parents. It was bad enough i needed them to drive me here. 

My mom nods and ignores my fathers pritests as she drives off. I sigh as i go inside and see Aizawa.

"Ah hello Bakugou. I am guessing you are here early so you dont have to interact with anyone?" He asks as i walk over

"Yep" I reply as he hands me a keycard

"Well your roomate is already here" Aizawa said.

Great. I get here early to avoid people and someone is already here and they happen to be my roomate. I nod as i go outside and get my stuff. I walk up to the dorm that was on the keycard. No one seems to be here. I open the door and go to where the rooms are. Boxes are around the bed and on the bed at the right side. That means i take the left side. I put my stuff down before i sigh and look around.


Dorm 301

No ones POV

7:28 AM


Shoto had went out to his car as he saw another car pull up. He didnt pay any attention as he grabbed his phone and keys and then locked the car. As he looked up he noticed the other car gone now. He shrugged it off and then went back inside. He went back to his dorm and opened the door then headed towards the bedroom. As he went in he saw someone he never expected to see. The other person stared at him with wide eyes




Hi! I hope you enjoyed chapter one of me and EnoracesBabyGirl 's collab book! They are a great person and I'm ecstatic that we get to work on this book together!

They are fun to roleplay with and have other works that you should definatly check out! Chapter two will be written by me so expect the writing style to differ. See you next chapter and peace out! <3


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