Ch. 17

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Imma start this off and let Kay finish it so here we go! ·Belle


Bakugous POV


Me and Shoto had ended up getting into a slight fight over the cigarette. Me and him had wrestled around for it a bit resulting in me having him pinned to the bed as we laughed at how stupid we were being

I stop laughing as Shoto does and lean forward kissing him softly. He seems a bit surprised at the action as he hesitantly kisses back.


Mmk Kay here ya go. And you can make some smut in this if you want ·Belle

Yeah. Decided not to go with the smut THIS chapter. ~ Kay


I pull away from the kiss and look down at Shoto.

"Sorry...Did I scare you?"

He blushes lightly and looks off to the side.

"No...I just thought you were mad at me..."

I sigh and move, sitting up and releasing him from the pin I had him on in the bed.


I smile at my boyfriend and open my arms for him gently.

"Come ere yah adorable idiot."

He blushes and pouts but slowly moves and crawls into my lap. I smile a little more and hug him.

"And Im not an idiot Katsuki."

"Mmm....You kinda are if you think I havent noticed Shoto."

I mumble. Shoto tenses up in my arms and looks at me, a look of near terror lacing his features.

"N-Noticed what Katsuki?"

I sigh and gently pet his hair.

"Shoto...I know that you havent been eating. Its easy to tell when I open the fridge and the food I made you is still sitting there where I left it, untouched."

Shoto tenses even more if possible and looks at me with tears in his heterochromatic eyes making my own widen.

"Ka-Katsuki please dont be mad...Please...I-I just dont..."

"I'm not mad Shoto. Just worried about youWhy arent you eating again?"

Tears run down his cheeks and he looks away from me.

"I-I just dont....Want to feed myself I-I dont feel like I deserve eat"

My eyes widen slightly again, and I move Shotos face to look at me delicately. I move and gently kiss away his tears.

"Sh. Its ok. Dont cry. Listen. Why dont you try and eat something small for me? Just something small, like some toast or anything your willing to eat Ill make you ok?"

My voice is much gentler than Im used to it being. Shoto shakes his head in disagreement.

"I-I dont want you to waste your time on me..."

"Hey. It isnt wasting time if I want to do it. I like to cook, and I want you to try to eat something. Please? If you try, Ill do one thing for you in return. Whatever it could be ok?"

He hesitantly nods and climbs off my lap looking down.

"Soba...Will you make me soba?"

I smile lightly and stand with him.

"Sure. I'll make you soba."

He looks at me with a soft smile and hugs me tightly, which surprises me a bit as I gently return the hug.

"Thank you...What did I do to deserve you?"

I blush lightly and look away.

:I ask myself the same question because you deserve so much better than me"

Shoto glares and makes me look at him.

"No. Im happy to have YOU Katsuki."

He says sternly with an angry little pout on his face making me smile and chuckle lightly.

"Ok. Well for the record Im ecstatic to have you Shoto."

My words make his face turn bright red.

"Shut up and go make soba like you said you would you cheesy asshole..."

Shoto mumbles and releases me. I smirk and lift him up off the ground making him squeak in surprise. Once in the kitchen I set him on the counter and kiss his forehead before moving and making some cold soba. Shoto watches me closely which I find adorable. After a little while ive finished the soba and plated it. My boyfriend, I love being able to call him that, I sit at the table together. I watch Shoto closly and he slowly and hesitently eats. I smile and eat with him peacefully. After a little while weve both finished our soba and Ive finished the dishes.

"Katsuki you said that if I tried you would do one thing of my choice if I tried to eat the soba right?"

I nod and smile at him gently.

"So what do you have in mind?"

He blushes and looks down.

"I-I want you to hold me while we sleep tonight Like....Like I want to sleep in the same bed as you and cuddle with you while we sleep tonight"

I grin and go closer to him and gently pet his two-toned hair.

"Gladly Shoto. Now Im going to go take a shower ok?"

He nods but pulls me into a sweet and gentle kiss before I can walk off. I happily return the kiss until he pulls away from me.

"Ok...Go take your shower."

I chuckle and nod kissing his forehead gently before going and taking my shower. I get dressed into baggy sweatpants and stay shirtless before walking out of the bathroom to see Shoto laying in bed on his phone in a tank-top and fuzzy pajama pants. I smile and walk over kneeling next to his bed. He looks up at me and smiles before setting his phone to the side and opening his arms for me while blushing. I smile and get up and into the bed, laying beside him and gently hugging him close to my chest. He smiles and hugs me close while laying his head on my chest. I smile and throw something, I think a balled up pair of socks, at the light switch turning the lights off.

"Thank you for this Katsuki..."

"Of course Shoto."

He looks up at me and smiles.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

We smile and share a light kiss. After a little while we both start to doze off.

"Goodnight Shoto."

"Goodnight Katsuki."

I smile and slowly doze off while holding my boyfriend close to me.

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