Ch. 12

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Hi! I hope you like chapter twelve! ~ Kai


~Bakugos POV~

~Right before Todo finishes dinner~

I sit and watch him eat. Someone mustve really hurt him or something for him to eat as little as he does. As he finishes his food, I smile a little bit and take our dishes to the sink mumbling quietly on my way.

"'s about timeI havent seen im eat an entire meal since he got here..."

Im glad hes eating. It isnt healthy to not eat I start the dishes while I hear Todoroki shuffling around before walking into the kitchen.

"Todoroki. Was the food ok?"

I ask subconsciously.

"Hmm? Oh. Yeah. Thank you Bakugo."

I nod and finish the dishes letting them sit in the drying rack to dry. I go into our bedroom and change into some ripped black jeans, a red tank top, a long cloak and out sunglasses and a cap underneath the coat. I grab my wallet that contains my I.D. and keycard along with plenty of cash and my phone. I go to the door after leaving a note on the coffee table and head out. Once Im off campus I slip on my cap sunglasses. I walk to my favorite bar in the area flash my I.D. to the bouncer and go inside sitting at the bar.

"Hello sir. Oh, its you. Mister mysterious. A beer as usual?"

I shake my head while slipping off my glasses.

"A glass of whiskey please."

"Sir do you mean a shot?"

"No. Shots dont satisfy me."

The bartender laughs.

"Oh? Then why are you drinking whiskey in the first place?"

"I like it and I'm pretty tolerant to it. So, for it to even think about doing anything I have to drink more of it."

They nod and get me my drink and I sip at it. After about four hours Ive had about fifteen of those which is like five shots a glass, its midnight, Im drunk, and on my way back to my dorm rooms. My face is red and I reek of alcohol. Hmm hopefully Todos asleep

~Todorokis POV~

~Right after Bakugo leaves~

I walk out of the kitchen and see a note on the coffee table. I pick it up and read it.

Hello dumb candy cane,

I am obviously not home if your reading this. I went out again and Ill be back later tonight. If I can smell of single form of cigarette or drug or ivory, Ill kill you. Other than that, there are leftovers in the fridge and go to bed preferably before I fucking get back. Dont be a dumbass.

-Sincerely, Bakugo fucking Katsuki.

I sigh and drop the note. What is that? His way of showing he cares or something? Well its certainly an odd way of doing it but very Bakugo for sure. Its kind ofsweet in a way actually Gah! What the hell am I thinking?! This is probably just Bakugo being an asshole like always! There is no way he actually cares ugh why him? I dont understand he hates everyonehes mean to everyone hes loud and rude yet somehow, I fell for him and his gorgeous red eyes and beautiful body and-! No! Bad Shoto your making it worse! I sigh and go into the bedroom before sitting on my bed and deciding to go to bed. I rise and change into pajamas before laying under the covers and slowly dozing off.

I wake up who knows how long later to a loud slam and much quieter;


I rise and walk out of the bedroom to see Bakugo completely red faced.

"OI! Didnt I *hic* tell you to *hic* fucking go to bed *hic* before I got back *hic* Todoroki?!"

"Well I was asleep before you got back and slammed the door. If you wanted me to stay asleep then you would think youd be quieter. And whats with the hiccups?"

I speak quietly. Bakugo walks up to me making my a little nervous. He puts he face right in my own and jabs my chest with his finger. He reeks and his face is contorted into a scowl behind all the blush.

"Listen here *hic* you damn pretty boy. *hic* No one asked f- *hic* for your opinion on *hic* on the matter. So, go ba- *hic* back to bed."

He says before stumbling past me, giggling to himself for who knows why and going into our bedroom and landing on something with a loud thump. But wait did he just call me a pretty boy!? is that like meant to be a compliment or an insult?! My face flushes and I turn on my heel stepping into our bedroom only to see Bakugo on the floor giggling to himself. Diddid someone like break him or something?

"Hahaha....dumb spinning floor *hic* tripping me hahaha..."

My eyes widen and I cautiously walk over. I stand next to him and offer him a hand.

"Need some help there giggly?"

He looks up at me and giggles again.

"Sure whatever."

He takes my hand and pulls himself up. He looks at my eyes with a loopy smile on hid face. Someone broke Bakugo its official.

"Hey Todoroki, *hic* do you have a map?"


"Because I keep getting lost *hic* in your beautiful eyes. ~"

I blush and push him away, him falling onto his bed.

"G-Go to sleep!"

I exclaim and quickly walk to the lights and turn them off before rushing over to my own bed draping the covers over myself and facing the wall. Soon after I hear shuffling and then the small hiccups from Bakugo slowly stop. I slowly start to de fluster myself from Bakugos extremely cheesy pickup line and eventually fall asleep.


~Hello and sorry for the wait on this chapter! But here it is! I hope you liked it! Have a good day or night or week or whatever until I see you all next! Until then, I love you all and peace out! ~ Kay ~


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