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This one is longer so it took me a while. Im writing it instead of Kay cause school wishes to kill the poor beanlette. Anyway enjoy this lengthy chapter with many ships lol ·Belle


Shotos POV


I wake up and look at Bakugou with a smile. He has been really nice to me lately but i have honestly little clue as to of why.

I slowly move out of his arms as i sigh and go to the bathroom getting into the shower. I let the hot water run over my body as i start to wash myself.

I start to think about everything that has happened these past weeks. We went from trying to kill each other to holding each other while we sleep. It seems unbelievable.

I sigh as i get out of the shower and get dressed. Bakugou wakes up and i smile softly to him when suddenly there is loud banging on our door.

I go and answer the door to see Kaminari and Kirishima along with Momo, Uraraka, Deku, Iida and Mina.

"Hey sorry to bother you guys but we need some help. There are news reporters and everything outside and they wont leave" Kaminari rambles.

"Cant you get the teachers?" Bakugou asks as he looks at them while Tsuyu walks over.

"We tried. They went off campus on a teacher field trip thing" Deku says.

I sigh as i look at them "hold on" i say as i go and grab my phone and make a call to my father.

After a moment i walk past the others and go outside. I use my ice to get to where i need to be.

I close my eyes and place my hand on the ground near some gasoline. I activate my fire though its a different type.

I place my other hand on something my dad had placed on the road as well and activate my ice.

My dad had made it where they would cross paths. I open my eyes as the ice and fire race down the road and once they cross it makes a huge burst of obsidian like material in the air.

As the news reporters start to notice it and run over i slip back to the dorms.

"Crisis averted" I say as i walk to mine and Bakugou's dorm probably leaving the others to wonder about what i had just done. I honestly don't even know.

I get to the dorm and sit on the couch as i watch TV. This week has been somewhat stressful. I look over as Bakugou sits beside me.

"Hey" I whisper almost silently. He pulls me close to him and kisses my head.

"Hello" He whispers with a small smile. I love it when he smiles. Its one of the best things ever.

We go back to watching whatever show was on TV. As we watch the show i slowly start to fall asleep yet i hope Bakugou wont notice.

As i doze off more i feel Bakugou lift me up and carry me to the bedroom "go to sleep love" he whispers laying beside me on the bed.

I smile a bit to myself as he wraps his arms around me and hold me close and i fall asleep.


12 hours later


I wake up still in Bakugou's arms with him asleep beside me. I smile to myself and gently kiss his forehead to wake him up no matter how much i wanted to just let him sleep.

He lets out a small groan as he wakes up and looks at me "hey" he mumbles still half asleep.

"Hi" i whisper as i sit up. He groans a bit and tries to pull me back down.

"Babe we gotta get up" I whisper. Me and him were gonna go to the store today and get some more food.

He groans and gets up "alright. Im gonna take a shower" he mumbles as he walks out of the room

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