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~Trigger warning: Cutting, talk of suicide and talk of verbally and mentally abusive parental units. Gore warning: Descriptive talk of blood and injuries. This chapter is not for the squeamish. – Kai~


~Bakugos POV~


"Yeah youve got some explaining to do."

I growl.

"Like hell Im telling you shit!"

He gives me a blatant oh really look and turns the light back on. I wince, the lights bother me so I burry myself in m blankets.

"Fuck you."

He sighs and walks off. He comes back a few minutes later and something is launched next to my head before something smaller hits me in the head. I pop out from my blankets and glare at him.

"Oi! What the fuck was that for asshole?!"

He rolls his eyes.

"You dont even know what I threw at you."

I look around me and see a bottle of water and bottle of aspirin. I pick them up and look at Todoroki.

"Thanks, or whatever..."

I take the aspirin and drink the water before going back under my covers, groaning.

"So. Why is the light bothering you?"

"Who said it was the light."

"The look on your face when I turned on the light asshole."

I pop out of the blankets again holding back another wince.

"Fuck you. I must be getting sick or some shit piss off!"

"Ive never seen anyone be bothered by light while sick before"

"Well I have so fuck off."

I force myself up and stomp into the kitchen. I get a glass of water and add some lemon to it before drinking it.

"Why lemon?"

"It tastes fucking good you jerk."

He shrugs and wanders back into the bedroom. I walk into the bedroom and get stuff together for a shower. I go into the bathroom, closing and locking the door. I start the shower and strip. Getting into the small enclosed space I sigh in relief as the hot water hits my back. Its been a long day and its barely four o clock. God life sucks. Fucking cant even drink right cause of that damn Icy Hot bastard. Fucking dumb ass parents being assholes. They are right though Im dangerous Im evil I shouldnt have ever been born like they always say Im a mistake

~Todorokis POV~

Bakugo just got into the shower so I wont have to put up with him for a little while. Sighing I rise and pull out a razor blade from my nightstand drawer.

I hate my life. One cut.

I hate my father. Two cuts.

I hate my past. Three cuts.

I hate people. Four cuts.

I hate my life. Five cuts.

I hate myself. Six cuts.

It hurts so much. Seven cuts.

Im an experiment. Eight cuts.

I am a mistake. Nine cuts.

I should die. Ten cuts.







I want to die. I lost count

Blood drips down the many cuts trailing around my forearms. It drips onto my lap and stains my pants red. The cuts range from small little cat scratch sized things to large gashes. Either way it causes the sticky red liquid that is my own blood to cover my arms and drip all over my lap. The scratches bubble up a little blood with the gashes leak it like a running faucet in my arms. I rise and walk into the kitchen washing my arms of in the sink. I use the gauze wraps in my nightstand and wrap up my arms so Bakugo wont catch me by me bleeding through my clothes. When done I change into a fresh pair of pants and a hoodie, throwing the bloody clothes into my laundry bin. I then lay in my bed and passed out from both exhaustion and the blood loss catching up to me.


~Hi. So yeahI hope you enjoyed chapter eight. Sorry for the angst but likeIm having a pretty bad episode since like yesterdayPeace out for now! – Kai~


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