Ch. 9.5

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Hey everyone. I feel bad for not really updating much with the actual chapter so heres a little filler. It wont affect Ch.10 much but it will lead to what will happen in ch.10. So here ya go! ·Belle


Bakugous POV


I stared at Todoroki with wide eyes. What the actual hell would make him do this? Who the actual hell? I look at him and he looks away. Shit.

Did i upset him?

I hope i didnt ((softy boi)) but knowing me i probably did. He looked so hurt and i have no clue what to do about it.

I dont know how to help in these situations.

But did i cause this? All my relentless bullying? Or did someone else do this?

God why do i care so much.

"You can stop staring at me like im gonna break any fucking second!" Todoroki snaps making me jump a bit ive never heard him technically yell. Its kinda scary.

I just scoff as i sit in front of him "you wish thats how i was looking at you" i say deciding to play my 'cool and aggressive' persona again. 


Todorokis POV


I sat in front of Bakugou. His words feeling like a needle in my chest just stabbing at my heart.

Maybe he doesnt care as much as i thought he did 

I dont even know why i would begin to think he would like me. I pick at my food before pushing it away "thanks for making this. Im not hungry" i mumble.

There was barely any sincerity in my voice but he didnt notice.

"Yeah whatever" he said. With that i walked to the bedroom before i grabbed my pack of cigarettes. I lit one while making sure it wouldnt alert the hot head.

We all know what happened last time he caught me smoking anything. I got the shit beat out of me. And bad.

I sigh as i take a long drag. I havent ate much lately. No one notices. Bakugou didnt press on about the cuts like i had hoped he would.


Hey guys! So this was a bit of a filler chapter to lead up to ch.10. I hope you all enjoy it!! ·Belle


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