Ch. 7

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Hi ·Belle


Todorokis POV

12:00 pm

The mall


Bakugou had helped me cover and bruises he had made on me, which resulted in a LOT of laughing, and then we went out. We needed to buy some stuff for our dorm and ourselves, so we went to the mall. I decided I would pay since I had made Bakugou plenty mad today. I sigh as I walk with Bakugou to the food court. We had just got done shopping for everything, took it to the car and now its time for us to eat food. I stand behind him as he orders me having told him what I wanted on the way.


That's it for what Imma write. Its Kays turn to finish this off! Lets see what she comes up with!


For those unaware every other chapter Belle and I will each write around half of the chapter and then the other will finish it. ~ Kai


~Bakugos POV~

I finish ordering and paying for Icy Hot and I. He got a simple burger and fries. I got a grilled chicken sandwich and fries. We both just grabbed waters with our food. I stand off to the side waiting and the Halfie follows me.

"Thank you for ordering Bakugo."

I grunt in response.

"Fuckin whatever dumb Halfie."

He sighs and our order number is called. I walk to the counter and pick the tray up walking to a table, Icy Hot on my tail. We sit across from each other and I give him his food. I start to eat my own food and he joins me soon after.

"You know you didnt have to fucking pay for everything other than food, right? Im not exactly broke dumbass."

"I wanted too."

So fucking blunt I swear to god. We eat in relatively awkward silence. I mean come ON. This dude and I have hated the fuck out of each other since we first met and here we are after fucking beating the shit out of each other eating lunch together. Like if anyone we knew saw us, theyd be so fucking confused. And oh my FUCK I forgot how bad of a hangover I get after drinking beer.

"Are you alright Bakugo?"

"Fucking no. My head is dying, and my vision is blurred from how bad the headache is."

"Im fuckin fine dumbass Halfie! Whats it to yah?!"

"Your grimacing more than you usually would in my presence."

"Fucking fuck off you dumbass. I need lemon water or some shit." But we didnt have any lemons or aspirin, so I had to leave the fucking dorm and go into the bright ass light with a hangover.

"Im fine dumbass."

We finish eating and head out to the car. As I enter the bright light my hangover gets even worse. My vision slowly starts to darken as we walk through the parking lot.

"Bakugo are you ok?"

"Yeah. Whatever Dumbass I'm fi-"

I cut myself of as I fall to the pavement and everything goes black.

~Todorokis POV~

I turn to Bakugo as he stops his sentence abruptly just in time to watch him black out and fall to the pavement.


I quickly kneel beside him and make sure he didnt hit his head to badly. Hes fine there And he has a pulse I pick up the spiky ash blonde and quickly bring him to the car. I set him in the passenger side as he is still passed out and buckle him in. I get in and star the car. I drive us back and bring him back up to our dorm discreetly. Once inside I lay him in his bed and then quickly work to bring everything else upstairs. The real question here is why would Bakugo pass out? I hear a groan and walk into our bedroom.

"Fuck. Turn the damn lights off"

He states still half asleep or unconscious or whatever I do just that and he immediately relaxes a little bit more. As he wakes up more, he remembers what happens and its visible in his expression.


"Yeah you have some explaining to do."


~Hi! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. To elaborate on my previous comment, Belle and I have a new system. They write a chapter by themselves and start the next chapter off. Then I finish that half-started chapter, write my own chapter and then write half of the next chapter that they then will complete. And this will be repeated pretty much from here on out until The High Becomes the Low is a fully completed book. Anyways I love you all and peace out for now! - Kai or Kay~


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