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~Todorokis POV~

As I light another cigarette and take a drag, I hear an all to familiar voice.


Oh shitI quickly try and hide my cigarette from Bakugo.

"What is it?"

"Are you smoking!?"

Damn it I've been caught. I try and play dumb.

"What? No. Where did you get such an idea?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the cigarette in your hand?!"

I tense up and look away.

"What cigarette?"

He storms over to me and tries to take the cigarette from me. I dodge him and attempt to hide the cigarette from him. The position we end up in is anything but ideal. Bakugo is pinning me to my bed our faces close together, him practically straddling me. My face heats up from both anger and embarrassment. Bakugos face is a light pink and as Im distracted, he takes the cigarette and gets off me.

"This fucking cigarette."

He growls with a glare before dropping it and smothering it with his foot.

"Hey! What the fuck?!"

"Got a fucking problem bastard?!"

I bolt up.

"Yes! And stop fucking calling me a bastard!"

"Then stop being one!"

I growl.

"Who said I was a bastard in the first place?!"

"I did Dumbass!"

I slap him in the face.

"Fuck you!"


He punches me in the arm. I growl and we begin to throw punches back and forth. By the time were done fighting he has a black eye and bruises all over his torso. My nose is bleeding, and my hair is a disaster. My legs are bruised from his kicks and my ass hurts. Were both on the floor tired as our fight lasted about thirty minutes straight.

"Temporary truce?"

Bakugo requests obviously tired.

"Don't tell anyone that I smoke, and you've got a deal."

He nods and climbs into bed laying on his stomach.

"I am too tired for this bullshit."

I pull myself onto my bed laying on my back.

"For once we agree on something."

He growls.

"Eck, I think were dying then."

I chuckle. I slowly fall asleep into a not so peaceful sleep.

~Bakugos POV~

Icy Hot goes to sleep after a while and I get up. I use my make-up to cover up my facial bruises and sigh. I get my wallet, fake I.D., keycard, phone and hoodie heading out. I leave to the closest bar and walk in showing my I.D. I sit at the bar itself rather than a separate table. I hit a twenty onto the counter.

"Give me a beer. Not to strong."

The bartender nods and gets me my beer sliding it to me and taking the cash on his next pass by. I sip at the bitter beverage. Not my favorite thing but whisky and vodka are way to high in their alcohol contents. And I cant go back to that Halfie drunk. But anyways who knew he smoked? I guess I do now I finish my beer and the bartender takes the empty bottle.

"Would you like another one sir? These are about five a piece so you've already payed for it."


He nods and gets me another beer. I drink this one relatively slowly. Once done a rise and leave the bar. This place is definitely becoming my new regular bar. I needed a new once because of the area change to the dorms. I'm sure I reek of beer. I'll need a shower and to brush my teeth the second I get back, so I'm not caught by the ice cube I live with. When I get back that icy nuisance is sleeping so I go straight into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and shower, changing into pajamas before laying down and going to sleep for the night.

~Hi. So, I hope you liked this chapter. Be sure to look at @EnoracesBabyGirl s copy of the book for some important authors notes that I wont be adding here. Any who I hope you enjoyed todays chapter. I dont have much to say so Peace out for now! ~

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