Run~Chapter 10~

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I'm so sorry! I can explain! I seriously planned to update but caught up in some welcome back party for me. It was sweet of them but I hated it. Too many people. Way too many. Plus, Everyone kept talking my ears off as if I was gonna talk back. No. I really really hate people. The only people I like are you guys, my idols, the bands I love, and gays. THATS IT! Everyone else can kiss my ass...ugh Im so grumpy today. Sorry. I'm such a bitch. But I'll try to do a double update just for you guys x


Back to the story :)

Luke's P.O.V

When Kevin saw us, it was hell on earth.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" He yelled. I grabbed Ashton and put him behind me as Michael did the same to a shaky Calum.

"Ash, Stay with Calum will ya?" Michael asked. Ashton nodded quickly as he went over to Calum as he cried and held him closely. Mikey and I stood our ground as Kevin got closer. Soon, John came in with an angry face but that didn't scare us. Not a bit. We were pissed beyond point.

"How the fuck did you get out?" Kevin asked.

"Remember to tie up everyone, next time." Michael said looking at Ash. John looked at Ashton and smirked.

"But too bad there won't be a next time." I spoke up. Kevin chuckled.

"Yeah, you'll be dead by then." He said. I made my hands into fists.

"Ashton, get out of here." I said.

"W-what?" He said. I turned and looked him deep in his beautiful although sad eyes.

"Look baby. I know your hurting right now but I need you right now okay? You gotta get you and Calum out of here and to a hospital. Please." I said. He started to cry. Even so, nodded and helped Calum up as he wrapped his arm around his neck.

"Take care of him." Michael said to Ashton, who nodded.

"Do you really think we're gonna let him just go?" John stated.

"You don't have a choice." Michael spat and then by my suprise, Michael tackled Kevin to the ground with ease and punched him reaptedly. John went for Michael but I wouldn't allow it. I grabbed him by the shirt and punch him my hardest, making him fall backwards.

"ASH RUN!" Michael yelled as he continued to beat the life out Kevin. Ashton grabbed Calum and quickly left the room. The entire time I just thought...Just run baby.



Ashton P.O.V

I ran and ran with Calum at my side. I ran down a long hallway, looking for a way out.

"Ash, this way..g-go this way." Calum said as he point to the right. I listened and ran down the hallway. Once I got to the end, I looked to my left and saw a door. I tried to open it but it wouldn't. I put Calum down in a chair in a corner so I could try again. I found a bat next the chair and tried to beat the door open. As I tried, I heard Luke scream...


I began to look for another way and saw a window. I took the bat in my hands and hit the window my hardest. It broke with ease. I then, grabbed Calum and climbed out the window and cut my arm in the process but ignore it completely. I then saw that Calum was getting slower and slower. Will me make it?? I refused to let my best mate go...No. Never. I then picked Calum up bridal style as he blushed a bit. Aw, cute. But as I picked up my paste, I heard another scream...

"ASHTON WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" I heard John yell and of course I ignored it...until..


I stopped and looked behind me at the adondon house. He couldn't be. He can't be. No...

I started to cry but remembered Luke's words...

I know your hurting right now but I need you.

I need you.




I grew angry. sad...maybe even insane. I started running again to Luke's car and laid Calum inside and made a phone call with Michael's phone...and waited. Until...


"Listen up and listen carefully. This is Ashton Irwin and I'm at 4568 Kate Ave. My friend, Calum Hood is dying slowly. My boyfriend is already dead and his boyfriend is next. You are going to come and you are going to take Calum to the hospital because with all the fucking pain and bullshit you've put me through, you owe me. Big time."

"And if I don't?"

"Then you die."

There was slience in the phone so I spoke...

"Do I make myself clear, Gale?"

"On my way."

After that he hung up quickly and I tossed the phone in the back with Calum, in case he needed it. I kissed his fourhead and he asked...

"Where are you going?"

"To do what I've should've done years ago."

I close the door after wrapped him a blanket. I grabbed the bat and ran back toward the house, hearing Michael's screams. I jumped back into the window and went into the room I just lefted and soon saw Michael tied to another chair again and Luke? On the ground. Bloody. Pale.


I looked at Kevin who was on the ground as well...Dead. Then at John, who stood up. Crying.

"What are you d-doing Ash? R-run." Michael said. He was bloody as well...close to death.

"No Mikey..." I started and then turned to John and walked up to him. Before the bat connected with his face, I said one more thing...

"You better run."


I have nothing to say.

R.I.P. Lukey


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