2. Decoration

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"Oh look who decided to come in for work today" I said putting on my coat

"Oh look who's talking shit again." Endeah laughed

I laughed grabbing my purse and walked from the coat room.

"You leaving?" Dj asked

"What does it look like?"

"Smart ass mouth" he shook his head

"Whatever, tell Mrs. Elise I'm leaving" I laughed

He nodded and I walked out.

DJ, Endeah, and Mrs. Elise have always been like a second family to me. After both of my parents died, Mrs. Elise took my brother and I in until we got on our feet. To be only 21, and 22 I would say that we're doing okay.

I pulled my jacket a little tighter as the New York breeze hit me.

"Looks like winter is approaching early" I said to myself

I quickly made my way to my 2012 CTS Cadillac and started it up.

Just as I pulled off my phone started ringing.


"Little sis you home?"

"Not yet. I was planning on going to Michaels to get a few things. Why?"

"You always trynna decorate shit. But nothing I just haven't had a home cooked meal in awhile and you all about that."

"Really Kayden? You always trying to eat. But I should be home in like 45 minutes to an hour. Then I'll see what I can whip up"

"Alright good looks see you soon. Love you." He said hanging up.

I turned into Michaels parking lot and got out of my car locking it.

I looked around for winter decorations and finally found an isle full of stuff.

Call me weird but, I love to decorate my house according to the season and or holiday.

I piled a few plastic snowflakes in my basket, a few quote stickers, some ornaments for Christmas etc.

Surprisingly I didn't take as long as I usually do. I checked out and made my way back to my car.

I put my bags in the trunk then closed it.

"Oh wait, I need some candles" I said to myself. So I walked over to Bath and Body Works

"Hi welcome to Bath and Body Works. All candles are buy one get one 50 percent off" the lady politely greeted

"Okay thank you" I smiled

I grabbed the 'winter' fragrance wallflowers, and grabbed the 'gingerbread' , 'Pumpkin Patch', 'Cranberry Craze', and 'Pine' candles.

I started to get a little distracted and start grabbing multiple body washes, perfumes, hand soaps, body lotions, and hand sanitizers.

I brung everything up to the counter and waited for the lady to ring everything up.

"Your total today will be $88.10"

More then I planned on spending but it's a necessity right?

I swiped my card as the lady put my things in the bag.

I walked out of the door and bumped into someone.

"Oh excuse me."

"It's fine. You good?" He asked

"Yeah thanks for asking...hey aren't you the guy who was at the bakery a few days ago? August right?"

"Yah that was me. I neva' got your name." he said

"That was really nice of you. Oh and I'm Karina" I said pushing my hair behind my ear.

"It was no big deal. She needed it. And nice ta' meet you"

"Well I gotta get going. I guess I'll see you around." I smiled

He nodded and we went our seperate ways.

I got into my car making my way home.


Well here's the new chapter guys. I don't know if anyone is even reading this so far but I hope so. Don't forget to comment and vote please. I love you guys.

P.S: Karina is 21 and Kayden is 22 they're 11 months apart

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