13. Party & Bullshit

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I grabbed my mail out of my mailbox then glanced up to see Mrs. Rose.

I slightly rolled my eyes as she made her way over to me.

"I know you're upset," she started, "but I do not apologize for what I said. However, I am moving on from that because I have some good news"

Out of all times to talk, you choose when it's ten degrees and the snow is above our ankles?

I sighed, "which is"

"Your aunt...I found her."

I just stared at her, not sure whether to believe her or not.

Although it was extremely cold I didn't even feel anything.

"Karina...I found her on Facebook yesterday morning and I asked her about you and Kayden. She says you guys are definitely her niece and nephew."

"How are you sure? You, me and Kayden have only seen baby pictures of her."

"Well, we were talking and she knows a lot about you guys. She even sent me a few pictures that she has with you guys when you were younger."

Before I could say anything else I was interrupted, "Don't worry about anything. She's coming into town in a few days and I arranged a dinner for us. It'll be great" she smiled walking away.

I made my way back into my house sitting the mail on the island.

I've always had mixed feelings about my aunt. It's not like her and my mom were on bad terms or anything, from what I heard they were close.

But she just up and vanished. She didn't tell anyone where she went and changed her number. But I knew for a fact she knew when my parents died.

She sent this weird anonymous email saying that she would be in town for the funeral but she never showed up, and we still had no way to contact her. For all I knew, I thought she was dead.

But for her to know that Kayden and I were alone, she never once tried to contact us, help us, nothing. Which didn't sit right with me.

You shouldn't have to ask family to help you.

After pondering in my thoughts, I heard August coming downstairs.

"Wazzam Baybeh" he said kissing the side of my face then going to the fridge.

I watched him pull out the milk and sit it on the table.

"Why you lookin' like you lost yo best friend or sum?" He chuckled.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I bit my nail, something I did when I was nervous.

He stared at me then poured himself a bowl of cereal.

"Talk ta' me" he said standing on the other side of the island.

I hesitated before speaking, "So I talked to Mrs. Rose and she says she found my aunt. Five years later and she finally wants something to do with us. I won't hold a grudge or anything it's just, I don't know...it's weird" I sighed, " I've never met her before. She just stopped talking to my mom like the year before I was born. She's coming in town in a few days and Mrs. Rose setup a dinner. But I still have to tell Kayden."

"I agree, it's weird fa her to just re-appear like that but that's family, they all you got. So go ta' the dinner and see how you feel from thea." He said.

"Yeah, you're right."

I stared at him while he finished his cereal.

"What you starin' fa?" He asked putting his bowl in the sink.

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