6: Deeper We Descend

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That night of sleep was the best she ever had in her life.

As the sun went further down in the sky, Maren's body grew heavier and so did her eyelids. Plagued by yawning and a desire to be still, her warm bathwater did her in. It soaked through the long night of the ball and her first day in the palace.

For the first time, she'd been asked which oils and bubble bath she wanted beforehand. It made her recall setting baths for Penelope, how the noble girl liked floral essences, especially in her hair. However, Maren opted for sweet raspberry and vanilla. A decision that drowned her in aromas so heavenly that Emberlynn had to tap her twice to wake her up and hand her a towel.

Tucked in a satin nightgown and then her bed, as soon as her head hit the pillow, she seemingly left her own body. Hours later, she came to as Emberlynn pulled back the drapes to her window. White sunlight splashed her canopy, the bright walls, her face with glorious morning.

Maren shot up in bed, startling her attendant. Without warning, she ripped the covers off, welcoming the chill as she searched for slippers--anything to put on her feet so that she could find her uniform. Penelope was likely already awake by now taking tea in the drawing room. Since she slept in so late, Juniper must have brought it to her. And that meant Juniper knew that she didn't wake up on time. Her heart sank, the maid darting to the wardrobe even if she didn't recognize it.

Warily, Emberlynn called to her. "Miss Penelope?"

Maren flung open the wardrobe doors, whimpering as she found the rack empty. Not a skirt, blouse, or apron in sight. Perhaps in the dresser drawers she'd have better luck since she kept a diligent folding schedule.

"Milady Penelope?"

A spasm traveled down Maren's back at the name. She knew she was in for it, but if she were hearing the noble girl's name in her head, she must have really messed up. She pulled open a set of drawers to lace, satin, and cotton. Frowning, she picked a nightgown up with two fingers. She didn't remember buying that.

"Penelope!" Warm hands clasped the maid's shoulders. Wild-eyed, Maren whipped her head to Emberlynn. Her attendant stared back with furrowed brows, concern etched into her grey irises. "Are you feverish?"

"Am I--," Maren paused, panting while eyeing her chambers. The fireplace was already rumbling, her bed disheveled, a lovely robe atop her dresser for the start of a new day. The rose from her stroll was in a slim, crystal vase and a bit of water, adding a burst of color to her new bedroom. She did not catch her breath until she glimpsed the view from her window; a few miles of smooth terrain and a barrier of dark forest.

For the first time in her life, she woke up on the other end of the woods.

"I," she tried. "I-I'm fine." She sighed heavily, both hands leaning on the drawer while her temples pounded from the stress. Really, she was holding on. Gripping something for comfort as it dawned on her that she might never cross that treeline again should she fail.

"Do you need me to fetch you water? Would you like to visit a healer?"

A healer. Not a medic. She was in a new world entirely. One with higher stakes. Shaking her head, Maren ran hands over her face. "No, really. I'm okay. Thank you."

"Of course," said Emberlynn, who added an extra pat on the back before stepping away. "Now, please put this on--," she darted to the silk robe on the bench and returned to wrap it around Maren's shoulders, "if you would follow me to the boutique, I'll get you dressed for breakfast."

Maren wrapped the sash around her waist to fasten her robe. Emberlynn opened the door for her, watching her curiously as she passed. As they wandered through the hall, both women settled into a steady walking pace, Emberlynn a few paces behind. Maren glanced over her shoulder, slowing until she fell into step next to her attendant.

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