20: The Night Nears

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Lyra jumped up and down before entering Maren's room. Her cheeks were as flush as the petals of a red peony, her hazel eyes bursting with gold as she floated over the threshold.

"I have news!" She leapt onto Maren's bed, her black hair creating a halo around her head. Breathlessly, her hands found her heart. "Though, I think you already know what I wish to share."

Maren had no control over how wide she smiled. "Oh, are you here to tell me that you found a new favorite flower in the garden?"

"Well, I might have, but no," Lyra said.

Maren placed a finger on her chin. "Are you going to tell me that there's another festival coming up?"

"How should I know?" Lyra laughed.

"Or maybe you found out that you'll soon be Queen?"

Lyra burst upright, eyes wide. "Oh, absolutely not! None of those!"

Maren wondered if Lyra realized she was only fooling around with ignorance. By the look of assurance in Lyra's gaze as she said her next words, there was no way to tell.

"He asked for me! He gave me an invitation for an outing this evening!" She squealed, falling back onto the plush comforter. Her hands grazed over the embroidery as she made snow angels in the fabric. "Can you believe it?"

"Everyone can except for you, apparently," Maren said, crossing her arms.

She went still. "It is difficult to comprehend. Of course, I know the way that I feel when I'm with him, but there's no way to pinpoint how he feels. Your ceiling tapestries are gorgeous, by the way. Wish I had that in my room."

"Thank you," Maren said, casting a self-conscious glance upwards like she hadn't stared at them for hours in spite. But she approached her bed, leaning over on the mattress to glower happily at Lyra. "Now, go on about how he makes you feel?"

Her friend sighed wistfully. "He makes me feel like I am made of magic. Like I could explode into pixie dust."

"Wait a minute," Maren pushed up from the bed. "That is a very strong statement."

"I know." Lyra squinted her eyes shut. "I'm being foolish."

"No, I wouldn't say that. I--," Maren's giddiness shrank back, seriousness replacing it. "Do you have feelings for him?"

Lyra slid off the bed, her hands covering her face as she rushed onto the balcony.

"Where are you going?" Maren laughed warily, taking her time in following her outdoors. The balcony could fit at least four bodies. Flower petals drifted in the breeze, the scent of sweet fruit following and carrying each delicate one. There was a smaller courtyard, a passageway more like, beneath her. But the sprawling hills and treeline were majestic from this distance. Lively.

"Lyra," Maren said.

Lyra took in a deep breath, even the top of her nose turning a bit pink. "Maren, I have never had a partner before. There are few men where I work, save for my uncle and brothers. It is quiet, and we share our time with one another unless a traveler passes by." Her hands wrapped around the railing, her body leaning forward as though she had wings. Like maybe if she dreamed hard enough they would sprout from her back and dry in the sugarcoated wind. "How my heart beats when he looks at me... I cannot explain."

Maren beamed, understanding what she could not relay. It was a moment of joy for her friend--a celebration that only lasted seconds in essence. Because as Lyra's hair moved like a mass of shadows in the sunlight, as she basked in the rays, she remembered.

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