7: Gems of Fire

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Maren tucked the library book in her nightstand drawer.

Though she planned to leave with it, she needn't hide it. Namjoon saw her take it. When she disappeared this evening, he would still know who had it by the time he discovered her empty bed. She took another deep breath trying to muster the courage to go explore again. The second trinket, her personal object of freedom, would not find itself.

She had only one item to buy her servitude back from Juniper unscathed by the danger of past transgressions. Even so, she did not feel an ounce of satisfaction. Only a whirlwind of fire near her cheeks, the suffocating stench of ash in the air. That book could have killed all three of them had it remained opened any longer, devouring Genevieve and then turning its wrath on Vernice and herself. In seconds, her hope in a new life would have been incinerated.

She wanted to push past that, praise the fact that it did no such thing. But the potential of such an incident kept her locked in her room sitting on her bed and staring mindlessly into the forest. She took her time remembering every curve and wayward leaf within that tree-line. The vision of home.

A soft knock rapped on the door before it opened. Maren glanced over her shoulder, unsure of what to expect. Emberlynn shuffled inside, smiling warily as though she knew. Maren could not find it in her to fake like she wasn't involved. Sighing, she turned back to the window.

"I heard that the Prince escorted someone to the north wing today," she said. "A very fair lady in the colors of a dandelion."

Maren grinned a bit, looking down at her gown.

"And I also heard that he made a spectacle of asking for her time, much to other women's dismay."

Maren laughed a bit, grateful for the topic change. She turned to face Emberlynn from her bed. "Did you hear anything else?"

Emberlynn playfully quirked her brow, her smirk walking the thin line of so many other implications. "Not unless the lady has something to tell."

"She doesn't," said Maren. She busied herself by drawing shapes into her comforter. "It was only a visit."

"To His Highness's wing. But, nay, nothing of accord." Emberlynn winked. Maren could no longer take it. She let herself laugh. Her servant giggled as well, clasping her hands behind her back. "What do you think of His Highness?"

She glanced at the ceiling. He was the last thing she wanted to think about, but also the most vast thing on her mind. The one thing she had yet to comprehend, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to. In a way, he rivaled the mysteries of Neverin itself. Earnestly, Maren shrugged.

"He's confident, surely. At times assertive and outspoken." Yet, he considered her worthy enough to bring to the throne room when she had done nothing half as impressive in return. He explicitly stated who he was and what he stood for. He admitted vulnerability. And not once had he ever been genuinely distasteful. She could not meet Emberlynn's eyes, especially as an involuntary blush crept to her cheeks. So, she studied her bed instead. "But, he's kind," she added. "He's different than what I thought."

Emberlynn's ash-colored eyes reminded Maren of winter as she said, "That is wonderful to hear. I've come to take you to the boutique in preparation for supper."

"I can't wear this?" Maren pinched the rich yellow fabric. It was a beautiful color against her brown skin.

"As much as it suits you, the early evening meal before the Prince's decision deserves something more notable."

Deciding not to protest, Maren nodded. Three of them would return home tonight. At least she had a book to bring with her on the ride. She took another look at her room, reveling in the luxury of it. She might never touch a softer mattress or wear finer things. She glanced at herself again, wishing above all things to see her reflection just once. Her room did not have a mirror. And even in the boutique where the other aspirants were fitted and adorned for meals and new days, mirrors were absent. At least, none that she found as Emberlynn helped her into her dress and after ran a comb through a hair.

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