11: The Summer Solstice pt. II

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When clad in firelight, one could only feel like they were brightest in the room.

Her pleated skirts fell to the floor over her hips, silk hugging the curves she did not have upon arrival to the kingdom. Her dress fit tighter around her chest, the plunging neckline giving her more shape than she'd seen before. There were no sleeves, but the gossamer cape attached to her shoulders glided around her arms when she stood too still for a time. Her time at the castle had done her well. The meals, the delicacies, the drinks finally began to show on her figure; smoothed the bony edges and filled in the hollow crevices.

Emberlynn fastened a ruby headband atop the crown of her head to finish the look. As Maren stepped off the pedestal, she felt the complete weight of the gems hanging from her ears and around her neck as well. She had no doubt that if she stepped into the sunlight she'd shimmer.

Namjoon knocked on the doorframe, his gaze surprisingly intense for such a holiday.

"He awaits you," the advisor said, his eyes making a trail from the blood red fabric at her feet to the ombré of apricot and honey orange at her neck. His expression remained neutral if only a bit patient while waiting for her to follow him.

Maren thanked Emberlynn with a curt bow before gathering her skirt and meeting him at the threshold. Namjoon extended an arm, not bothering to grin even as she took it and matched his pace.

"Isn't it supposed to be a holiday?" She smiled encouragingly.

Namjoon grimaced. "A visit from another High Prince is rarely a holiday."

"I forget. You are a creature of politics too. Must be fun."

"There is nothing like it, I can confess that much."

In his red coat and white cape, the royal advisor almost appeared as a captain of the royal army. All he missed was a sword at his hip. His gold buttons and trim lightened his amber eyes. Even the tips of his light brown hair seemed to be tinted a light shade of red. Though he was handsome in whatever he wore, he did not seem ready to attend a festival. He was more ready for war.

Maren ambled in the silence, allowing him to brood and mentally prepare for whatever came next. It did not take half a conscious to understand that what he battled would be much different than what she did. Her opponents were other dazzling young women. He would stand against kings.

"Do you like the dress His Highness picked for you?"

Maren perked. "He picked this?"

He nodded. "He told the seamstresses to model it after what humans call goddesses. It favors you."

A lump formed in her throat. "I love it. Thank you."

"Of course. You can follow this path to find the rest of the ladies."

Namjoon stopped walking, gesturing in the correct direction with the extension of his arm. Then, he grinned at last.

"Truly, you look breathtaking... If only you had a mirror to see what I see."

As the words chilled into Maren's bones, Namjoon bowed and escorted himself down the way from which they came. The voices of chattering women whispered through the hallway. They grew louder as the maid took a deep breath.

If the advisor could not even catch a hint of Vernice within his very own territory, there was no reason to be afraid. His oversight had yet to be deemed all-encompassing. Besides, she did look lovely. It would not be healthy to overthink a genuine compliment.

Ignoring him, she followed the red carpet under her feet to a grand sitting room. The tall ceilings dwarfed the white loveseats and humble fireplaces. The series of windows that made up the rounded walls brightened her ensemble. At the very opposite of her was another colossal door crafted from bronze and the carvings of faefolk. The other women gathering near the entrance giggled and talked in clusters until Vernice stepped out from the crowd to greet the incoming maid.

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