Credits + A/N

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I have a thing for sharing soundtracks, so this song is hands down the best match to A Court of Embers lyrically and also to the ears! If you have time for a musical journey, please do listen.

The credits contain a final Author's Note, Acknowledgments, Playlist, Final Thoughts section where you can say whatever you'd like, and a BONUS FEATURE announcement. Feel free to skip as you see fit.


(A/N) Faerie Friends and Citizens of Neverin,

My goodness, writing to you brings tears to my eyes.

This is my second full-length book, and to tell you the truth, it came after a plethora of cancelled plans, failed outlines, and ideas that never left my notebook. For a year, I grew curious about a twist of a fairytale--a palace somewhere deep in the woods that changed at the behest of the sun and moon.

For the longest, I could not figure out how to write it. It was too large in scope. There were too many variables. And then came the idea of a thief, a girl that was not afraid to be wrong. By her side was a witch, wicked and splendid all at once, that commanded and warped the world we knew to create a new danger entirely.

A young woman that shattered worlds, and a woman of old that encompassed them in glass.

Wishful thinking, it seemed.

But at last, it has come to life.

That, my beloved reader, is because of you. I write because I physically cannot live without divulging all the ideas that come to my head. I write because I love it, and because one day, I would love to see something from my heart in the same clouds as my favorite authors.

But you never failed to make it so special.

You never failed to make me feel like my dreams are possible.

I thank God for you and your support. I thank you for helping me be fearless. I thank you for giving me a space to express myself. I thank you for taking the time out of your days to even glance my way--to give a damn about anything I wish to create. It is one thing to write on your own, it is another thing to be graced with the love and kindness of others that stand behind what you weave and feel it with their souls as well.

You are stunning, reader.

It is my absolute pleasure writing for you.

Pray tell we meet again.

And at the end of the day, even past this book, I challenge you. When you fall, rise again. If you fall twice, rise a second time. Any time that you hit the ground, stand. Even if you must crawl to your hands and feet first, stand. Rise again, and again, and again.

Be relentless in all of the good that you do.

With all the love and gratitude in my heart,

(A wanderer in Neverin)

Milan(A wanderer in Neverin)

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