29: Rebirth

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Soft petals fell on Maren's cheeks. She opened her eyes to a glade swathed in wisteria trees. Their trunks were white and bright in the sun that she could not find. The grass was softer than satin blankets. She decided that she wanted to lay there forever.

She was so happy lazing away. In fact, there could be few greater things than this. But as she sat up, she realized that was untrue.

Crystal streams flowed through an endless field of perfumed flowers. A soft draft carried their petals in clusters through the pockets of branches and over treetops in a flittering dance. There was glory in the iridescent sparkle of the world beyond. Mesmerized by the beauty, she let her fingers tangle into the soft grass. At last, she had found a place where she could wander forever with all the time she could ever need.

"Maren!" A soft voice called.

The girl looked to her left where another young lady waved a dainty hand. Her light blonde hair flowed freely. She was pretty in her pale pink gown.

"Kathleen," Maren said, grinning.

Kathleen nodded and beckoned her deeper into the flora. "Come on! Cordelia's waiting!"

Maren leapt onto her feet, laughing, until a phantom of warmth passed over her back. Almost like a scalding breeze ran fingers through her hair. She peered over her shoulder to another path of flowered trees away from Kathleen.

"Kathleen," Maren said, pointing behind her, "I want to go this way."

Kathleen grinned, already pivoting. "Of course!"

Maren watched the girl frolic over the path from which she came. The wind picked up in the opposite direction, blowing Maren's hair and skirts back until she had to squint her eyes. She giggled, surprised at its strength. Her intuition told her it wanted to take her somewhere, and since she had so much time, she decided to follow.

She hummed to herself as the breeze carried her forward and onto her own path. It did not take too long to reach a clearing through the trees--and pause at the woman standing there.

The sun gravitated to her. It cocooned her. The light fired up her bold red hair and her intricate gown of gold twine and blood orange gossamer. Gorgeously tanned skin accentuated her inquisitive, scarlet eyes that were akin to two roses when she focused on Maren. Though wonderful in all her imminence, Maren marveled at the bow and quiver slung around her back. It changed the entirety of her aura from a being of beauty to one of command.

Maren could not place where they first encountered one another, but she tugged at a reality long, long past.

The lady had a husky voice. "Hello, child."

"Hello," Maren said. "That was you that I felt."

"Aye, it was." The woman extended her hand. "I have been sent to fetch you."

Maren joined their hands together. "Where will you take me?"

"Away from here, where you are requested."

Flame encircled Maren's ankles and the woman's. It sprouted up from the ground like a beanstalk until it crashed over them like a towering wave. Maren was not afraid as it kissed her cheeks and swept her away.

Voices flooded her ears.

"Maren, catch me!"

Children's laughter.

"I want to be a princess," a child said.

Maren recognized her own youthful voice. "I want to be a pirate!"

The voices became more defined, as though they'd grown.

"Maren, slow down!"

"I can't! You'll just have to catch me."

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