26: Firebird

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Maren paced back and forth by her balcony's opening as the fourth sunrise climbed into the sky.

After Namjoon had shut her out, she returned to her room to sit and create a plan of attack. She had more information than she'd ever had with the revelation of Genevieve and resting on it seemed useless. But shouting her accusations at a choking prince seemed useless as well. Namjoon needed to tend to him and as for Jimin... she wasn't certain of how he felt towards any of it. Only a while ago, she'd have been able to maybe predict his move but with the distance between them he was as veiled and elusive as the shadows that made up his Court.

These dilemmas were minuscule in comparison to the only immediate problem that held Maren in chains. The Enchantress of Mirrors would supposedly arise in a few moments less than twenty four hours. She would step foot onto palace grounds and slick the castle of Adara in a frosted glass that smothered the last of the life in this kingdom. She would crystallize Namjoon, Seokjin, and Jimin. She would murder three birds with one shimmering stone. And as Maren died alongside them, she would enter the afterlife with the accomplishment of sweeping not only one, but two Neverin Courts off the map.

Optimism was difficult to come by when she reminded herself of what she faced ahead. It was nearly unthinkable when her thoughts drifted to the challenge of today alone. Not even Emberlynn would reveal the task when she visited to deliver a pair of fitted trousers, a white blouse, and boots for Maren.

The girl had shimmied into her new clothes, all too curious of this feeling of fabric wrapping the skin over and between her legs. Not even as a servant did she wear pants. They were reserved for men in the Highmore household and everywhere else for that matter. But as she took a few laps around her room walking in them, she understood why men moved the way that they did. With this much mobility they probably felt invincible.

Emberlynn had also brought a muffin and a cup of water with little explanation except for informing her that the aspirants would not be taking breakfast as a group this morning. Maren followed her advice to eat, and she regretted it as she pondered her future. It was just enough fuel for her to be nauseous. Yet, as her bedroom door opened, the physical discomfort in her body disappeared to make room only for anticipation.

Emberlynn beckoned her with a hand as a gesture for her to come along. Together, the girl and her attendant wandered in a loaded silence to someplace other than the dining room for once.

As they took a different path to the garden, Maren pulled on one of her loose curls that hung over her shoulder from her low ponytail. "How is he this morning?"

Emberlynn looked straight ahead. "He is."

Maren rubbed the tiredness from her eyes. If Emberlynn was going to speak in Fae dialect, then it must have meant Seokjin was alive at least if he was anything at all. But had he fallen asleep? Had he coughed his voice away? Was he healthy? She supposed she would have to wait until another meal to find out.

Traces of the gravehound and Celeste had been erased from the hedge maze's mouth as she and Emberlynn ambled into the greenery. Maren's instincts nagged her to run from it, but she held fast to her attendant's side. If there was anyone to protect her, she had the best bodyguard.

"I heard tales of your bravery from yesterday afternoon," Emberlynn said.

Maren smiled awkwardly. "My reputation continues to precede me."

"I believe what you did was admirable." Emberlynn's head tilted downwards as she hit her other point. "I also believe what you did was what humans call a death wish."

Maren blinked, both pleased with her attempt at mortal speech and distraught about her attendant possibly calling her suicidal. "My intention in grabbing a weapon was not to die with it in my hands."

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