17: Of Blood and Glass

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"Perhaps you should get some sleep tonight," Emberlynn said. The attendant eyed her over the neckline of the nightgown she held in both hands.

Maren watched her from the bed, both of her knees tucked under chin. She was still in the day's gown, the changing tides of sunset painting room a soft rose and lavender. "Why is that?"

"Staying up all night and all day will begin to wear on you." The satin shift drifted onto the covers when the attendant tossed it onto the bed.

"I take naps in the afternoons and late mornings."

"Much to some of the ladies' dismay. They oft wonder about you." Emberlynn searched the room for something else to do, her options waning without the need for a sleep elixir or a stoke of the fireplace. She settled for going to fix the cushions of the seating area near the balcony even though they were all upright and fluffed. "Your absence is not received well."

"I go to the meals. I even hung out with them earlier." Maren let her legs fall, sweeping them under her hips instead. When Emberlynn finished fooling around with the couch, the attendant took an extra second to stare at her handiwork, placing her hands on her hips. But Maren awkwardly played with the folds of her skirt figuring that by now, Emberlynn would have been gone and off to her other duties if she truly had nothing else on her mind.

"Are you upset with me?"

Emberlynn turned suddenly, concern brightening her ash colored eyes. "No, of course not. You cannot control your circumstances any longer. It is nothing you've done."

"Then what is it?"

Emberlynn put her hands on her hips again. "Those women can be such gossips, and you're always the topic of conversation. I despise having to walk past them and hear all that they say about you."

Maren bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling. "It bothers you?"

"They know nothing about you! They just assume the worst."

"My appearance would not deter them," Maren said.

Emberlynn groaned and paced through the little sitting area. "That may be true, but with you there they would have to find the backbone to say it to your face."

Maren couldn't hold it in. Her giggle stopped Emberlynn from pacing.

"What is it?" asked the attendant.

"I have never seen you worked up."

Emberlynn raised her chin. "Well I'm not as passive as the Wind fae, so I am not afraid to express my emotions."

"You shouldn't be," Maren said. "I like this side of you."

"Let's see if you still like it when I direct it to you." Emberlynn approached the bed. "You are a part of this kingdom now, so the rules have changed for your stay. You can roam the palace at any time, but if you would like dinner at a later hour, please make those arrangements in advance. After His Highness eats, we leave our stations."

"If you're telling me to dine with him when he's different, I refuse," Maren answered, crossing her arms and turning her head.

"He has dined alone many a century before your arrival, Maren. He will survive. But you are still new to this." Emberlynn placed her hands on the comforter. "Your will to stay up at night and not leave your room is adverse to your health. There is no reason to stay up at all if you will not speak to His Highness or return to your world."

Maren scoffed. "And is it suddenly mandatory that I speak to him?"

Emberlynn grimaced. "No, but what else is there to occupy your time with? Why do you resist sleep when only he and a few others are awake?"

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