30: A Severed Bargain

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"He is in Tir Nan Og, the blessed afterland where he fights his own battle."

Maren curled her knees under her chest, staring at the wall ahead.

Tir Nan Og. The grove of wisteria and white. She recalled almost nothing of it, and the images grew further and further away the faster she tried to grasp them until she'd forgotten completely. The concrete, solid fact she knew in her heart was that it was Heaven by another name. A meadow of rest.

Chills ran up and down her flesh as it all sank in.

He was supposed to be here, beholding his people, taking everything he'd lost back. She gave her life for his, only for him to give it back.

Emberlynn said, "As a servant to the Court of Dusk and the Court of Dawn, he broke ancient law in inciting your resurrection. The punishment is known to us, but whether he will be revived is not."

Maren's head snapped to Emberlynn at those last words. "Revived?"

"He is the proper heir and son of Adara. She will choose if he deserves the gift of the Phoenix in Tir Nan Og."

Her first thought revolved around how to get to Tir Nan Og. Maybe the only way was not death, maybe there was something else. A path or way from the forest. But it seemed impossible. While she considered it, another realization slammed into her chest. His courtiers would not dispose of a body that might spark back to life. Jin had to be in this castle.

"I would like to see him," Maren said, thankful that the hope distracted her from further tears and denial.

"Would you be able to stomach the sight?" Emberlynn asked warily.

Maren narrowed her gaze in a challenge. "I'm done asking."

Emberlynn nodded, getting up from the bed. Maren followed, immediately wobbling. Her feet were flat on the floor, but her legs were spastic, completely lost on how to remain still and support the rest of her weight. The attendant rushed to hook their arms together to hold her upright. Maren forced one foot in front of the other, not liking the way her knees were going in rather than bending properly.

"It will get easier the more you practice," Emberlynn told her.

Maren made a point of staring at the door. "Get me to him, please. On our way, tell me how this happened."

Emberlynn nodded, ushering her through the door and into the palace. Maren did not recognize this part of the wing, but as they reached a central corridor, she knew it to be the West Wing. Though it was similar to how it had been during the day, nothing could rival the interior of the castle when no curse lingered through the golden scape. There were more servants than ever before--and guards. Men and women in red and gold armor marching side by side with their swords and spears.

Emberlynn gathered Maren every time she came close to tripping or failing. As they made a left, she began her explanation.  "There are two ways to become Fae within this Court. The first and most harmless avenue is through an ashen leaf from the ashen tree. It grants the bearer all the same powers and abilities as someone born of faekind."

"The second," Emberlynn continued, "is to receive the blood of the Phoenix. Adara's blood. Only her direct descendants have her likelihood in their veins, as it is their gift that allows them to be guardians of flame. But it is not an essence to be shared. The consequences are too dire."

"Why can't he share it?" Maren asked. It was a struggle to catch her breath. Such a light body apparently commanded heavy effort.

"The Court of Embers, along with the Courts of wind, water, and earth are servants to the Court of Dawn and the Court of Dusk. Those two are the only two entities free to use their powers in a manner that affects life and death. Even then, they use those spells sparingly and with increased consideration. For a servant to act alone and cross the afterlife for selfish purpose is to forfeit his responsibility of guardianship."

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