Part 3. First friends & city tour

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Evan Pov.

(Evan has a human head)

The alarm on my phone rang. I groaned, turned off the alarm and got out of bed! I went to the bathroom, washed and returned to my bedroom. It was convenient for me to sleep in my new bed for the first time! I feel happy! I had breakfast so that i took with me when we moved. Then a few minutes later Abby(abbyloveanime18) called me and told me to meet outside. I told her okay and started to get ready! I chose my clothes,

 I told her okay and started to get ready! I chose my clothes,

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took the phone, keys, money and left the house

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took the phone, keys, money and left the house. When i turned around, i saw Abby coming to me. We met. Abby said that today we will walk around the HybridSantos and maybe we will find some suitable work for ourselves.
When we got to the city center, we saw an amazing picture.

"Wow! Do you see this Evan?" - Abby asked with shock

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"Wow! Do you see this Evan?" - Abby asked with shock. "Y-y-yes." - i replied with a stutter. I began to shake again with fear and excitement. I felt again that someone had taken my hand. I turned my head and saw Abby's former and soothing smile. I smiled back at her, letting her know that i was fine and we started walking.

I walked quietly and calmly throughout the walk, because Abby held my hand and no one noticed it

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I walked quietly and calmly throughout the walk, because Abby held my hand and no one noticed it. Sometimes it seemed to me that someone was watching me, though, what i'm taking about. Everyone in this city can look at Abby and me now, because we are newcomers here. I constantly looked around and saw that all people-hybrids looked at us. But many looked at us with interest, someone with small smile and... stuff. Everything inside me squeezed, but i tried not to show it.
"What happened Evan?" - Abby asked with excitement. I looked at her. "Um... nothing! Just..."
"HELLO NEWCOMERS!" - someone shouted loudly in front of us. I screamed and hide behind Abby's back. She stood in the meantime in a fighting position. Her hair and tail stood on end, from a mouth full of fangs, there was a loud angry roar.
In front of us stood a girl with long black hair with blue colored bottom, a dark blue T-shirt, black pants and boots, she had long black gloves without fingers on her hands, her eyes frightened from the roar of Abby, were paitend in dark eyeshadow, there were two piercing on her lips, on her top were ears full of earrings, her tail was dangling behind her with same color as her hair. She looked at us with horror, raising her defensive she moved back a few steps.
"Hey, calm down! I didn't want to scare you!" - she said with fright and a little smile. Abby was still snarling softly at this girl, and i was quietly shaking behind her.
"Blu, you again?" - someone angrily shouted. So... this girl's name is Blue. That time, another girl approached her. With same black hair and dark blue bottom, her eyes are also painted in dark eyeshadow, she was dressed in a dark blue shirt, black pants and long boots with straps, each with her arm had two bracelets, at the Top of head were wolf ears and a tail dangling from the back with the same color as her hair.
"Sorry Moadie! I thought they had a sence of humor!" - said Blue with a grin. So, the second girl's name is Moadie. "You only think about it! You stupid mare!" - said a girl named Moadie angrily and hit Blu on the back of head. In the meantime, Abby and i calmed down.
"Girls, girls take it easy!" - someone said with a little anxiety. Two more girls came up to us. One was with black owl head and wings, Black ears and tail with a pink tip, dressed in black pants, in a pink and white jacket and boots, there was a black choker around her neck.
The other one was wearing a jacket without an abdomen and with open shoulders, in short pants, a gray sweatshirt was wrapped around the waist, was wearing a beret with a small bow, wearing Black and short gloves, long and black with purple socks, and black short boots. Cat ears are sticking out on the head and a tail dangles from behind. There were three little stars on her right cheek and she had a cat nose.
"We are sorry, girls! But once again, Blue has intimidated newcomers coming here!" - said Moadie. "Argh, stop Moadie! Enough shame me!" - Blue shouted in aggression. "Okay girls. Let's better introduce ourselves to newcomers, otherwise it's not decent in my opinion!" - said an owl-headed girl. "Agreed. Well, welcome to HybridSantos! My name is Moadie. I am a wolf hybrid. And this my friends!"- said Moadie, pointing to her friends. "This is Blue. She is a horse hybrid" - pointing to a girl with black and blue hair. "What's up!" - said Blue. "This is Alexa. She is a owl griffin" - pointing at a girl with an owl head. "H-hi." - said Alexa shyly. "And this is Luna (Lunafire37)" - pointing to a girl with beret on her head. "Hello." - Luna said.

"Nice to meet you girs

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"Nice to meet you girs. I'm Abby. I'm a purple wolf. And this is Evan. He is an owl griffin."-said Abby. I just made a little smile and waved little. "What a coincidence. We have two whole owl griffins here." - said Luna. Alexa giggled softly, and i blushed a little. "In any case, from now on, the girls and i will be your guides, as you can tell. Since two of us were born in this city and know it as our own tails." - Moadie said. "T-this s-sounds... g-great." - i said with stutter. The girls looked at me in surprise. " Um, buddy, you stutter! Are you alright?" - Alexa asked me. "Don't worry Alexa. He's just shy." - said Abby calmly. "Um, okay! Well, let's go on tour!" - said Moadie.
The city tour was good. The girls even took us to an interesting restaurant so that we would not starve. In this city, many interesting shops, and even places to work. Speaking of work. Abby and i found one. The restaurant just needed additional waiters, and we were quickly acxepted without any questions. They also promised an excellent salary, which we didn't dream of.
"Well, what do you think?" - Moadie asked us. "Fully awesome! What do you think Evan is?" - Abby asked me. "It's just... great!" - i replied with a smile. Suddenly, i noticed that Alexa was looking down with a sad expression on her face. "Um... what about Alexa?" - i asked the girls. "Oh, that... it doesn't matter!"- said Moadie, and together with Blue and Luna, also lowered their heads with sad faces. "What doesn't matter? Tell us." - said Abby.
Alexa took a deep breath and began to talk. "In general, hybrids from other cities came to us and told us that they would stay here forever. Many visitors stayed here in our city and became its inhabitants like us all. And other really leaving in two days. They did not even explain to us their reasons for leaving, althrough they promised that they would now live here. And the worst thing is that those who drove back, looked at us with such an evil look, that we were all frightened. And then we could not do anything, except to accompany them with a look with tears and sandness on our faces. And now we hope that you will not be like them. Because... *sniff* i won't take it anymore. "- said Alexa, and tears flowed from her eyes. The girls hugged her. Tears appeared in my eyes too, but Abby hugged me and said : " Do not worry girls. We will not. " The girls smiled.

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