Rain drops like a thousand tears onto the dry earth.
My hands shaking, heart breaking......
The rain mimics the tears that flow down my cheeks, as if the weather felt for me.
My hands clasp tightly together in an effort to keep from hurting myself or someone else.
I think about living, loving, and laughing....but that's just too far away from my grasp.
Tears drop faster down my cheeks and the rain deepens.
Trembling I stand up, my body shaking and fear catches my throat as I can't breathe.
Each breath felt heavy and wouldn't exit my body as air wouldn't enter it. I shake as I try to make my way towards the window.
I get myself there and slightly open the curtain.
Outside was dark as night even though it was still early afternoon. That's how I felt: surrounded by darkness.
The wind beats down the trees so it makes it look like the trees are bowing down. That's how I feel... Like I'm bowing down to my emotions.
Then the rain, just thousand of rain drops everywhere.
Looks like it's raining tears...
Exactly what my eyes are doing...