Chapter 3 - Sophie

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"Sophie! Wake up!" Biana screamed in my ear.

"AHHH!" I screamed, jolting upward.

"Ow! That was loud." Biana winced

"You literally just screamed in my ear!" I said, wincing and rubbing my ears.

"Sorry!" she said, giggling. I smirked and got up, rubbing my eyes.

"I'm going to go shower." I said, yawning as I walked into my bathroom. After I finished, I smiled, refreshed.

"Finally, you're done!" BIana said, smirking. Biana was wearing what is below.

I sighed and went through my closet

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I sighed and went through my closet. What could I wear that wouldn't make Biana yell at me? I ended up choosing what is below:

 What could I wear that wouldn't make Biana yell at me? I ended up choosing what is below:

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"Is this good?" I asked, arching my eyebrows. Biana nodded, her eyes shining at what I was wearing. I smirked and said, "Let's go."

"What are we doing today?" Biana asked as we slid down the stairs.

"Ah! Good morning Sophie! Good morning Biana!" Edaline said, smiling.

"Morning!" we both chimed.

"You are going to the Palace today by the way." Grady said.

"Why?" I whined.

"Edaline and I are busy today. Della agreed to let you stay there today. Bring a bag though. You might stay overnight." Grady said. I sighed, knowing I couldn't argue.

"Fine." I said. I went up and quickly packed a bag. I slung the bag over my shoulder and ran down the stairs.

"See you tomorrow!" Grady and Edaline yelled as we ran to the Leapmaster.

"The Palace!" Biana yelled. I just sighed as the light took us away. We appeared in front of the gate and the guard immediately bowed toward Biana.

"Hello Princess." he said, opening the gate. We walked in and Biana skipped into Palace.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" she yelled.

"Hi sweetie! Is Sophie with you?" Della yelled from somewhere.

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