Chapter 30 - Fitz/Sophie *SHORT*

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I was talking to my nice brother Alvar when I all of a sudden got a huge headache. I groaned as my vision immediately got blurred and I collapsed.

Fitz: Note that Alvar didn't say anything...

Author: Fitz! For the LAST time, SHUSH.

~After a while...~

"Is he going to be okay?" I heard my world cry out. Her voice just broke my heart, how scared it sounded. My eyes flickered opened a bit.

"He's fine Sophie. Please calm down." I heard Elwin said, trying to comfort him.

"Fitz!" I heard someone yell. "You're awake!" I tilted my head ever so slightly and saw Biana. She looked like she had been crying.

"Everyone! Give him some space!" Elwin yelled. I was able to grab Biana's hand before my conscious slipped.

Fitz: Can we PLEASE skip the part where Elwin did... Yeah...

Author: I mean, you're telling the story. You could have just skipped it without telling me and I wouldn't have said anything.

Sophie: I have **************** an imbecile.


I'm now outside with Sophie. Elwin told me that my injuries are better so I'm allowed outside. Sophie and I are sitting on one of the benches in the Backyard Garden. My arms are around her and she is sitting on my lap. We were just going to watch the sunset in silence, but I decided to relax my head on Sophie's shoulder.

"Sophie." I said, all of a sudden jolting upward. She let out a squeak as she hopped off my lap and turned to face me.

"What's wrong?" she asked, too nervous for my liking.

"What is this?" I demanded as tilted her neck to make sure what I saw was right. I sure was. Right there, smack in the middle of her neck, was a hickey.

"What is what?" she asked, gulping. I was so close to her that I could feel her heart beating so fast. I glared at her.

"I'm not an idiot, Sophie. I know what a hickey is! Tell me! Who gave this to you?" I yelled. She winced and shivered. It wasn't until she started making choking noises that I realized that I was choking her. I loosened my grip a bit, letting her to gulp down air. "Answer me!" I yelled. Sophie shivered.


He won't believe his own brother will do such a thing. What should I say?


"Fitz! Really! It's nothing! Calm down! It's nothing to get angry over!" she said. That made me furious.

"No big deal? No? Big? Deal? For all I know, you probably are cheating on me! What the **** Sophie! I loved you! And all I find out is that you're a cheater! We're over!" And with that, I stormed away. I barely made it into the Palace before my anger got the best of me.


I felt tears immediately leave me as I started crying. I cried and cried before realizing I should go explain to him what actually happened. I'm such an idiot! I should have just explained to him before. I ran into the Palace before freezing at a noise.

"Mhm... Fitz..." a girl's voice murmured. I felt my heart twist up and shatter into pieces.

It's not him right?

Someone who thought it was him?

Someone who is pretending to be him?


I followed the voice before approaching a darkened room. Adjusting my view, I let out a strangled scream at what I saw.

Sophie: And no, they did not hear me.

Fitz's hands were tangled in Clarity's hair and Clarity's hands were around his neck. She was against the wall and from what I could tell, Fitz was forcing it on her, but she obviously like this. I quickly ran away, barely able to control the sob that was coming out. Why... I know we broke up... But how did he move on so quickly....



Planning on this?


This is NOT the end of Fitzphie.  I will say this once and say it many more times if I have to.

Thank you for getting Forbidden Love to Number 1 for #sophiexfitz and #keepers ! <3

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