Chapter 20 - Everyone At the Pool *SHORT*

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I stared at Biana as she waded even closer to us.

I feel...

Like I'm starting to fall....

For her....


I can't....

That's why I buried my crush on her long ago....

She's the Prince's sister....

The Princess....

I'm just the lowly kid with a horrible past that ended up friends with the Prince....

I buried this crush....

And it's now coming back up to the surface again....


Keefe kept staring at me... It was making me feel uncomfortable, but I didn't say anything about it. I continued talking to Linh who seemed to realize that Keefe was staring at me. Linh kept glaring at Keefe, inching her way between us.

"I'm going to the bathroom..." Sophie muttered. We nodded and she left. Fitz sighed.

"Same..." he murmured, wiping himself off a bit before leaving. Linh arched her eyebrows at me and I bit back a squeal. Keefe looked at Fitz walking away before turning back to us.

"Why do I feel like he's going to do something?" Keefe, asked, crossing his arms.

"Because he is!" I squealed. Keefe's face darkened, but he went back to staring at me.


I sighed as I flipped my hair back so I could tie it up. I was in Biana's bathroom and I felt really uncomfortable. I mean... who wouldn't be? I stared over the selection of ties she had and selected the red one. It was made of leather as well....

I quickly kicked the door open as I finished tying my hair into a ponytail

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I quickly kicked the door open as I finished tying my hair into a ponytail. I jumped when I saw Fitz waiting outside for me.

"Fitz! What are you doing here?" I exclaimed, pulling my cardigan tighter around me. He looked me up and down, his face unreadable. He turned me around and my heart skipped a beat. Why? I felt something cool get dropped around my neck I looked down to see the necklace again.

"It looks good on you. Don't take it off..." Fitz murmured, his hands lifting off the necklace and staying on my shoulders. I turned around and smiled shyly at him.

"Thanks..." I said, turning the necklace coyly around my finger. Fitz stared at me and I bit my lip. There's this strange churn in my stomach and I couldn't turn away from Fitz.

"Sophie... I know I hurt you last time I said this... But... I just can't.... Not... Tell.... You..." Fitz muttered, looking away. I stopped him from confessing again by pressing my lips against his.

"I like you too Fitz..." I said, my face probably bright red. Fitz blushed dark red and smiled shyly at me.

"I guess... Be my girlfriend then?" he asked. I smiled and nodded. He brightened and immediately pressed his lips against mine. Without a doubt, I kissed him back.


My insides were going haywire.



-I mean... not like it's the first time but-







That da'am bastard!

I heard someone yell that into my head. I winced as I stumbled a bit in the water.

"You okay Linh?" Keefe asked. He and Biana had been talking for a bit and now he had his arm around her.

"Y-yeah..." I stuttered, taking a shaky breath. Voice screamed in the back of my head, making me wince as my brain seemed to pound against my skull. I could tell Biana was having the same problem because her hands were fidgeting ever so slightly under the water.

"Biana? You okay?" Keefe asked, looking at the girl in his arms.

"Y-yeah!" Biana stuttered, giving a shaky smile.

"Can I talk to you in private Biana?" I asked. Biana nodded quickly and jumped out of the pool. Keefe arched his eyebrows at us, but didn't say anything. I quickly wrapped myself in a towel and walked out. When we were out of earshot and sight, Biana started speaking.

"Did you hear the echoing noises as well?" Biana asked timidly. I nodded, gripping my hands tightly.

"Mr. Forkle's mad about something. Considering the amount of rage that is in it, I'm thinking it's about Sophie..." I said as I felt my nails pierce my skin. I opened my palm to see the tiny cuts, making blood ooze out of them slowly.

"Linh! Go get that cleaned up!" Biana said, alarmed. I sighed and passed her my towel carefully, making sure I didn't drip blood onto it. I went up to Biana's room and saw the door shut.


I slowly opened the door, making sure I didn't drip blood everywhere.

"I guess... Be my girlfriend then?" I heard someone who sounded like Fitz mutter. I opened the door more and saw what was going on... I felt my insides go cold. I tiptoed over to them, unnoticing as they kissed. I watched my blood drop everywhere, tainting the floor. It stuck to the carpet as much as my heart felt it was going to stick to my ribcage (Message from Izzy-Totally-Super: I know. This is a stupid analogy. _~_), seeing the two of them together.


I didn't realize how short I made this chapter so I'm gonna update another chapter.  Two in a day! <3

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